Alex Skolnick show, review


Aug 19, 2003
Montreal, qc, canada
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Montreal, Sunday August 21st.

When I first went to see Alex skolnick Trio, I wasn't expecting a metal show... some jazz maybe, but I wasn't even expecting anything good... really, I just went in with an open mind and I wanted to see how alex was on stage again. But oh my god, he did blast my brain away. The show wasn't metal, but it was AWESOME.

They first started the set with a song off their first record, alex and the gang were in a great mood and the crowd was quite welcoming.. although alex was a little shy to talk to the crowd at first. They did a couple of their upcoming record but the highlights for me was his jazz covers of known songs such as:
Deep Purple - Highway Star
Kiss - Detroit Rock City
Judas Priest - Electric Crown
Ozzy Osbourne - Goodbye to Romance

They also played some blues which was cool, I like blues better than jazz, it has more raw energy in its own way for me than jazz. Alex sang too a little on one of his song when someone in the crowd yelled for him to sing.

Alex had two guitars on stage, one more classical electric guitar with a clean kinda tone... and another one, with a more crunchy distortion, he did rip awesome solos too. BUT the highlight of the night was at the end of the set, the crowd was really pleased with the performance and cheering.. so they had the band come back on stage for an encore, Alex specified they don't do it often and it is an extra when they are amazed by the crowd's reaction. So they went on and played a jazz version none other than Black Sabbath - War Pigs. OH MY GOD, in the middle, Alex went to switch guitars to his distortion one and wanted his amps to create reverbs effects like he did during testament solos when he was alone on stage, that sure did brought back memories... He was crawling on the stage with his guitar like Jimi Hendrix, it was insane, and he finished off the song with complete distortion, metal style and a lot of improv... it was great to see him shredd after so many years out of testament.

That show was insanely good, and I'm glad I went in and opened up my mind a little, he is a very talented guitar player who can play any style of music .

Sorry for the novel, but guess what, I don't care, I had to do this review!
rush was playing the same night :( and i had my ticket already.

thanks for the review. hopefully i'll get to catch them again someday
Thanks for the review...brought back great memories when I saw them last year. I was the same way when I went....i left my mind open cause I wasn't sure what to expect and I loved it too. I wish they were coming back to California but there hasn't been any dates posted yet.
bulks said:
Montreal, Sunday August 21st.

When I first went to see Alex skolnick Trio, I wasn't expecting a metal show... some jazz maybe, but I wasn't even expecting anything good... really, I just went in with an open mind and I wanted to see how alex was on stage again. But oh my god, he did blast my brain away. The show wasn't metal, but it was AWESOME.

They first started the set with a song off their first record, alex and the gang were in a great mood and the crowd was quite welcoming.. although alex was a little shy to talk to the crowd at first. They did a couple of their upcoming record but the highlights for me was his jazz covers of known songs such as:
Deep Purple - Highway Star
Kiss - Detroit Rock City
Judas Priest - Electric Crown
Ozzy Osbourne - Goodbye to Romance \QUOTE]
thanx for this great review!! and i think u mean electric eye by jp~:p
That's cool dude, i actualy went to see him the first time he came to Montreal like over a year ago or something with his Trio, it was pretty awesome i admit, and i'm wayyyy more of a metal fan then jazz fan. Wish i could have gone this year but had to work and couldnt get out of it...shit happens. And he did the WAR PIGS -distortion-switched guitar-shredding-impro thing the first time too, was pretty dope. Alex is a god.