Alexi and CKY??

Zarok666 said:
CKY... Isn't that a band with Jackass guys?
Jess Margera, Bam Margera's brother is the drummer for CKY (Camp Kill Yourself). Bam is a professional skateboarder. Brandon, Bam's best friend is a videographer and they decided to make a movie called CKY. When CKY2K hit the stores, Bam and the rest of the gang got a shitload of recognition, as did his brother's band, CKY. After CKY2K sold millions, in came MTV and out popped Jackass.

CKY got famous quick from the CKY movies and Jess' little brother. They're actually a decently talented band. They actually have some decent taste in music, excluding Bam's obsession with Him, of course. If you see some of the CKY movies, you'll recognize a few songs including In Flames' Pallars Anders Visa and Colony.

NP: Soilwork - Grand Failure Anthem
OK.. for one thing.. Alexi's side project is Kylahullut which means The Village Fools. It's pure punk and I believe the singer is the vocalist from Klamydia. Alexi also does some vocals and he does some good soloing.

CKY has some really interesting guitar work but they're not good enough for Alexi to carve their name into his new $4,000 guitar. They're kinda boring and they don't sound like their music gives off any real "energy".

The first 2 albums do show punk influence. Listen to 'The Nail'.

Actually, fuck Alexi's ESP. Maybe he carved CKY into the guitar because he hates ESPs and CKY was the worst detriment he could think to hit that fucking guitar with. C'mon... what kinda $4,000 guitar comes with an EMG HZ-H4 as the stock pickup?!