Alexi rushed to hospital

@ hauta

perumaan and peruminen are inflected forms of the Finnish verb perua, which means to cancel or withdraw from something (i.e. in this case, from the shows in Oslo, Malmö and possibly Ruisrock, but not Peru ;) )
Update from COB's fb

Children Of Bodom is forced to cancel their appearance at the Ruisrock festival. The band comments:

“This is not an easy letter for us to write. Alexi is suffering from a serious infection. He is still in hospital in Oslo under supervision of the doctors and we don’t know yet when they will release him.

We have no choice other than canceling Ruisrock in Turku on Saturday as well. This is a very bitter pill for us to swallow. We had decided to do only two festivals in our homeland this summer to make it real special, and now this.

We hope that we will be able to make up for this very soon. To all our fans who had been looking forward to rock with us at Ruisrock this weekend, take our apologies and enjoy the festival. In our spirits, we will be there, too.”

Henkka, Roope, Janne, Jaska
It was to be expected, really. I think it's better that they cancel Ilosaarirock next week as well, even when Alexi gets released from the hospital this weekend. Simply because he needs all the time in the world to strengthen up and possibly get adjusted to a new lifestyle.
@ hauta

perumaan and peruminen are inflected forms of the Finnish verb perua, which means to cancel or withdraw from something (i.e. in this case, from the shows in Oslo, Malmö and possibly Ruisrock, but not Peru ;) )

Damn it!!! :D Sorry for my mistake then!

Update from COB's fb

Children Of Bodom is forced to cancel their appearance at the Ruisrock festival. The band comments:

“This is not an easy letter for us to write. Alexi is suffering from a serious infection. He is still in hospital in Oslo under supervision of the doctors and we don’t know yet when they will release him.

We have no choice other than canceling Ruisrock in Turku on Saturday as well. This is a very bitter pill for us to swallow. We had decided to do only two festivals in our homeland this summer to make it real special, and now this.

We hope that we will be able to make up for this very soon. To all our fans who had been looking forward to rock with us at Ruisrock this weekend, take our apologies and enjoy the festival. In our spirits, we will be there, too.”

Henkka, Roope, Janne, Jaska

Hope he gets better!
They cancelled Ruisrock (Turku). I was even considering to go. Not taking a risk with Ilosaari (Joensuu) as there's no quarantee at all. Whatever this serious "infection" might be. I'm not taking quesses.
You know, with all that travel it's gonna be hell on the doctors to get the right diagnosis. nausea and vomiting are symptoms of millions of things. You guys ever watch the american show House? They basically make most people's conditions worse in order to find all the symptoms to get the right diagnosis. Hopefully, they are at least pumping Alexi full of anti-biotics, anti-fungals, and anti-parasite medications. maybe not all at once you know those things can interact...

I'll wager that it turns out to be this:
With the infection on his whole body I'm pretty scared, in earnest.
I hope he gets the motivation from his mates and gets well soon. There are only two festivals in their gig list, it wouldn't change anything if they cancel them and take the summer for recovering and vacation, and next in fall do what they have to do for the new record.
maybe if you take all that money you 'don't have' and go visit him, he'll get better faster. just a suggestion.

Based on the symptoms I've heard and my amateur knowledge of pathology, I'd say he'll feel better in about a month. But it'll take a full year to completely get rid of it.

Fans don't even understand the situation is serious.

"- Alexi is still in intensive care. I can't talk about his state of health further, but I can tell you he has an extremely bad stomach infection, which has spread thorought the body. We're all extremely worried about his well-being. This is the situation now, all we can do is pray and hope everything goes fine."

Would be sorry to see him go so early. I won't even start discussing it now.