Alexi's amp head

*sighs and shakes head in dismay*

i have stated this countless times and right now i am in the process of sending a whole page on this subject to Searge for the SOB site.

signal chain is as follows:
RV-350 AL
Lee Jackson GP-1000
Rocktron Intellifex
Engl 840/50 2 x 50 Watt Power Amp (
marshall 300 watt 1960 A/B cabinets

:hotjump: CHECK OLD THREADS. . . . :hotjump:
Hey, I thought that Alexi plays ESP custom KHV's, and that the RV-350 AL is just some kind of "ESP signature series" model.
actually the formal name of his guitar is called the rv-350 AL (alexi Laiho), its the model name. . .and it doesnt have a nickname like a rhoads does (RR, Rhoads).