Alexi's interview in Radio Reaktori TODAY! 25.4 at 1pm

It really is a lovely interview, I d like to translate it but since I have only been living in finland for 8 months now, my finnish is still so crappy that I understand the main point but not the small little details, sorry
Because I have no life, I can try to translate it tomorrow. But I think I have to write it down first in finnish so patience darlings!
Ok, the translation might take me longer than I first thought, but I hope during next week. So, hope you can wait :)
Yeh :lol: I'm glad to be a finn when I found some COB interview in finnish :D
Yes, I would really need a little bit help because have to listen the whole interview many times that I can first write it in finnish. I think translating is the easiest part :) So, if you could really help me, how do we share the interview? Its 53 minutes long.

Vittuakos minä englantia sönkötän kun voi ihan suomeakin puhua :D
Eli, kuinkas siis tehdään. Vuorotellenko aina laitetaan tänne ja kuinka pitkä pätkä kerralla, ehdotuksia?
Joo, tuo on aiva hyvä. Ei tuos haastattelussa muuta mutta ku Alexi käyttää vaan niin paljo kaikkea "ylimääräsiä" sanoja siellä välissä ja puhuu välillä vähä epäselväsi :) Mä voin ottaa ekat 10 minuuttia, kun oon jo tässä alottanu. Varmaan saan huomiseksi käännettyä...ellei ole ohjelmaa/iske laiskuus
Mulle on oikeestaan ihan sama...toisaalta vois laittaa viralliseen haastattelukeskusteluun linkin kera. Yritän varmaan lauantain aikana saada käännetyksi jos sunnuntaina sen pistäisi. Ei kai sillä nyt toisaalta kovin kiire ole, eivätköhän nuo jaksa odottaa :)
Well, there are lots of differences between finnish and english. Like for example, we have no articles. I have heard my friends from other countries saying that finnish sounds like japan :D I would love to say that finnish is easy language to learn, but I'm afraid thats not the way it is.

Finnish doesn't really remind any other language, except estionian. I think the biggest difficults are with words conjugation (if thats even the right word) and pronouncing. Its not impossible but not easy :)

I think for us finns its quite easy to learn new languages. We start to study english when we are 9 years old, and studies last 7 years :) So for example learning swedish and german is quite easy, because both are quite close to english. Ok, this was little bit offtopic :)

If you want to learn a little bit finnish, I can help you :) But if you want to learn to speak finnish fluently, you have to find a better teacher :)
Well, there are lots of differences between finnish and english. Like for example, we have no articles. I have heard my friends from other countries saying that finnish sounds like japan :D I would love to say that finnish is easy language to learn, but I'm afraid thats not the way it is.

Finnish doesn't really remind any other language, except estionian. I think the biggest difficults are with words conjugation (if thats even the right word) and pronouncing. Its not impossible but not easy :)

I think for us finns its quite easy to learn new languages. We start to study english when we are 9 years old, and studies last 7 years :) So for example learning swedish and german is quite easy, because both are quite close to english. Ok, this was little bit offtopic :)

If you want to learn a little bit finnish, I can help you :) But if you want to learn to speak finnish fluently, you have to find a better teacher :)

Nah, I don't really want to learn Finnish In my everyday's life, it won't be useful. Plus, I don't feel the need to travel in Finland 'cause the weather here( Quebec) is basically the samel:lol: .In fact, I speak French, that's my current language. They say that it's one of the hardest language to learn so it's nice, when I learned to speak english and spanish, I tought they we're ''easy language''. :)
Ok. I dont know how to speak French, or not much. Just the basic things :) I dont know if French is difficult to learn, but it sounds difficult :D

But we have lots of things here in Finland that you dont have there in Quebec. Or dont want to meet the Santa :P And I bet you dont have sauna there. And its easier for you to come here if the weather is basically the same. Yes, I'm tired....
Ok. I dont know how to speak French, or not much. Just the basic things :) I dont know if French is difficult to learn, but it sounds difficult :D

But we have lots of things here in Finland that you dont have there in Quebec. Or dont want to meet the Santa :P And I bet you dont have sauna there. And its easier for you to come here if the weather is basically the same. Yes, I'm tired....

Yeah, well French is not that hard to SPEAK, but writing it is a pain in the ass, there is 98549857 rules for verbs and such! And santa is in North pole, dude:lol: ! And yes, we have sauna too! It's not as much in our culture as in Finland9 from what I've heard), but I got to sauna once in a while, pretty relaxing, and the smell on hot rocks is nice too:lol: ! if i ever go to Finland, I'll givi you a call:p