Alice in Hell vs. Never Neverland


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They became very gay after that.....
Intolerably so.

Seriously, you will LOVE the first album. I actually prefer Neverland, but knowing your tastes, you will probably drool over the debut like a schoolgirl having her first period.
Listening to "Never, Neverland" for the first time... OH MY GOAT THE RIFFS!? I mean this guy must have had excellent riffs growing on a tree in his garden or something...
Erik said:
Listening to "Never, Neverland" for the first time... OH MY GOAT THE RIFFS!? I mean this guy must have had excellent riffs growing on a tree in his garden or something...
Erik, meet Jeff Waters. Jeff, meet Erik.

The guy never lets up. There are fills everywhere (in the riff itself), and his solos are so accurate and melodic, I'd love to see some of those transcribed. The lead breaks in "Stonewall" are etched in my mind at this point.

I still think you'd prefer the debut. It's more thrashy in the way that you like it. Still, both are excellent albums. And you don't need to go any further at all into their discography...
Erik said:
You know, this album reminds me of Megadeth done right, with better songwriting and a singer who can sing. You may now proceed to beat me with stick. :loco:
Actually, I've compared Megadeth and Annihilator before myself. There are similarities, and Mustaine even approached Waters to see if he was interested in partnering up for some stuff.

In any case, as much as I like the first two Annihilator albums, I just cannot deny Rust in Peace ever as the greatest speed metal / thrash album of all time. I can see people not appreciating So Far So Good, and even Peace Sells, but RiP???

How much time have you spent with RiP?