Aligning Reamps on multiple amps


Jan 13, 2010
Perth, Western Australia
Hey guys

I am having troubles with aligning multiple amps reamps using the same DI.

My chain is DI out from Focusrite Liquid 56 into reamp box into amp and then back into the Focusrite.

All the DI's on the same amp all match up. But when i change to the next amp that i want to try blending, they seem to be out of alignment cause i get wierd phase issues, etc.

Is there a setting that i am missing? or something that is used to align the tracks so fix the phase issues?

Or am i stuck using one amp L, one amp R - or is that the way it is normally done?


The individual amp signals need to be aligned.

However, one amp may have flipped phase and you get a phase clusterfuck. Reverse the phase of the track and see if its better.

And, some amps blend well, some amps make nasty phase problems when blended because of their voicings/emphasis on different harmonics of the guitars sound.
i tried flipping the phase and it made it a lil worse if anything.

i have 3 amps that i have been playing with, a 6260, a 333 and a Krank Rev Jr and i can't seem to get any of them to play nice with one another.

i used the same DI without moving anything around, just armed separate channels on the Focusrite.

I spose once i work out how many ms that each amp needs to be moved to match up it will be easy enough. Just gotta play some more.


Try printing a quick 1k tone on your DI track, just a quick little blip for reference before the guitar starts. The waveform of the tone should be easier to visualize how the tracks should line up. If you are using a ton of gain, and it smears the waveform too much, try using something with a really pronounced transient instead, a drum hit might work. Like Zozobra said, some amps don't play nice together, and it might still sound phasey and weird even after you get them perfectly lined up.
I just experienced this today, I reamped a 5150 and Blackstar from the same sounded terrible, on closer inspection the wave forms were exactly the opposite to each other, so hitting the "reverse phase" option brought them back into sync and it sounded right....

The interesting part was that the reverse phase would only work for the Blackstar - the 5150 refused to play nice, so all the Blackstar tracks are now phase reversed and it works nicely
I have almos the exact same setu p as the OP

Krank Rev Jr
Bugera 333XL

I do find that when using the Krank with the 5150 I have to flip the phase on the Krank. When using the Krank with the Bugera I get the same issue, but when doing the Bugera and the 5150 I usually dont run into this. I just flip the phase on the Krank and everything is fine.

As far as your signal routing when you run into your amp. How are you running it?

I send the DI signal to output 7 on my Saffire pro 40 then run into a TS then the Amp. From there the guitars are mic'd and sent back to inputs 1 and 2 with an i5 / 57 combo or an i5 / 609 combo.
I just experienced this today, I reamped a 5150 and Blackstar from the same sounded terrible, on closer inspection the wave forms were exactly the opposite to each other, so hitting the "reverse phase" option brought them back into sync and it sounded right....

The interesting part was that the reverse phase would only work for the Blackstar - the 5150 refused to play nice, so all the Blackstar tracks are now phase reversed and it works nicely

Been there!
I use output 5 of my focusrite, into the ProRMP, then into the input of the amp. Then i use the preamp out/line out/fx send back into input 8 of the focusrite and load an impulse.

I have tried using my TS between the reamp and the amp, and using the TSE808 also to limit the links in the change.

I will have to try some more with the phase adjustments, especially on the krank it seems.

On another note i used the sig gen to stick a short tone at the start and it appears that the signals were in line. but it was crazy to see the difference in how the 3 amps each changed the signal!

