All ages?

So is this thing all ages? My kid's 15th birthday is that weekend, and it'll be cool to take him.

This is an all ages event, and it's great you will be bringing your son, I am bringing my 15 year old daughter also, plus my 20 year old daughter, and yes, i have put them to work. they will be handling Merchandise for some of the bands, and for NIGHTMARE records will Krucible is playing. So to all you metal head Moms and Dads, this is an all ages event so bring the little ones, so they go back to school in the fall and say"My parents are so cool, they took me to a progressive/power/thrash metal show this summer"
This is an all ages event, and it's great you will be bringing your son, I am bringing my 15 year old daughter also, plus my 20 year old daughter, and yes, i have put them to work. they will be handling Merchandise for some of the bands, and for NIGHTMARE records will Krucible is playing. So to all you metal head Moms and Dads, this is an all ages event so bring the little ones, so they go back to school in the fall and say"My parents are so cool, they took me to a progressive/power/thrash metal show this summer"

:lol: John, I luv ya bro! Indeed, we want all future metalheads present and accounted for at Texas Madfest! Let's teach 'em how to rock! :headbang:
I saw a couple at The Police show on Tuesday who brought an INFANT to the concert. Of course The Police aren't a metal show, but the decibel levels at any concert are hard enough for adults to handle without hearing protection - I just can't imagine doing that to a newborn baby.

Wow... I jumped on a soapbox there and didn't even realize it. LOL
There was a couple who brought their babe-in-arms to a Dream Theater show here in Atlanta and were in the front row, right next to me. During the show it was obvious that the kid was in pain, it was way too loud.

Mike Portnoy noticed the kid grimacing and brought out an extra pair of headphones, came out from behind the kit and then they put them on the kid, to great applause from the crowd. Very cool of him to notice and do that....but WTF were the parents thinking?