All ages show tonight @ Diablos is Lake Forest, CA


Maidens' drums
Aug 2, 2002
Hi all! :wave: Just a reminder of our rare all ages show tonight at Diablos!!! It's our first time at this venue and an ALL AGES one at that so hopefully it all goes well and we can do MORE all ages shows there! Let's keep our fingers crossed and our eyes crossed too like Mary. LOL. Hope to see some of ya there! :rock:
Frequently I get either Aja's or Wanda's copy of the setlist, but last night I got both.
I guess somebody has to post the info, so here it is:

"TROOPIE" that's how it was spelled
# of the Beast
Can I Play W/Madness
Wasted Years
Fear of the Dark
Genghis Khan
Stranger in a Strange Land
Iron Maiden
Run to the Hills

Anthough the place was pretty crowded, in terms of the regulars it seemed poorly attended. I didn't see any of the following people: Red Shirt, Keyser, Crank Yanker, the guy with the public access show who brings a book [and usually gets Aja's setlist when I don't], or the guy who dresses a little too formally, holds 2 beers at once, and wears vampire teeth.
Jeff Milne said:
Anthough the place was pretty crowded, in terms of the regulars it seemed poorly attended. I didn't see any of the following people: Red Shirt, Keyser, Crank Yanker, the guy with the public access show who brings a book [and usually gets Aja's setlist when I don't], or the guy who dresses a little too formally, holds 2 beers at once, and wears vampire teeth.

LOL! The guy w/the fangs and 2 beers is the Creeper! He was at a show I played the night previous with the Valley Dolls in Hollywood and told me he probably wouldn't be able to make it to Lake Forest. The holiday weekend tends to see people go out of town, so perhaps that may explain the absense of some of the regulars. But at any rate, there was a door count of over 500 people so that means the word of Maiden is reaching more people! Wahoo! It made the bookers (and us) very happy. Always good to see you in the front row, Jeff. ;) And cheers to everyone who made it out! That place rules! :rock:
Doodoobubbachuck said:
LOL! The guy w/the fangs and 2 beers is the Creeper! He was at a show I played the night previous with the Valley Dolls in Hollywood and told me he probably wouldn't be able to make it to Lake Forest. The holiday weekend tends to see people go out of town, so perhaps that may explain the absense of some of the regulars. But at any rate, there was a door count of over 500 people so that means the word of Maiden is reaching more people! Wahoo! It made the bookers (and us) very happy. Always good to see you in the front row, Jeff. ;) And cheers to everyone who made it out! That place rules! :rock:

Yea, holiday weekends are usually tough when so many go out of town. I was so pleased to see so many Maiden fans - it was such a great turn out and we made a whole lot of new friends to join the regular crew. The more the merrier, I say! :grin:
Everyone at Diablo's was so nice and were so happy we had a successful night! Thanks to all the bands who played throughout the evening! And to our crew who really worked hard so we could focus on the show. And to Chris and the family for the yummy BBQ and hospitality!

The Creeper! He's a riot! At the Normandie show he nabbed the CD we tossed to the audience. He was really determined too- he actually ripped the cellophane off the case in the process!! (and, believe me, that ain't easy! That cellophane's a BITCH to get off!) :kickass:
I guess having a beer in each hand serves more than one purpose! Yea, that's it - the perfect reply! "I'm not getting drunk, I'm doing handstrengthening exercises!" Hahahah!
There's a Chinese proverb in this somewhere!
Looks like Diablo's was a great setlist... BOOTS!!! \m/
so bummed I couldn't make it!
Gonna have to get out to Paladino's this weekend for sure!

It's good to see a new metal club in OC! The Little Dolls @ Diablo's June 25.
Woo! :rock: