All Bennagins Closing


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Mar 29, 2003
Heard about this today. All Bennigans restaurants nationwide will close today with the exception of the stores owned by franchisees. I liked Bennigans, good food! But what irritates me is that Bennigans is following a real horrific trend. Employees showed up to Bennigans for work this morning to closed doors and in some cases no signs or management present. I had this happen to a friend of mine a few years ago who worked for Chi Chis restaurant. He came in for work and everything was gone! (He was the store manager). So he called the police and was told by the police that the company had come in at 2AM the previous night and took everything. Why do companies like Bennigans, Chi-Chis, Marshals, etc do this? Its becoming common and its not right! A lot of single parents and others are now hurting more because you couldn't tell them last night or wait just one day and take the loss? WTF?
OrbWeaver said:
Where will I get awesome Monte Cristo sandwiches now? :(

That is really unfortunate about businesses closing without warning. It's a horrible thing to have happen and I'm thankful everyday that it doesn't happen to me or my family. Any idea why some companies close their doors without giving notice to their employees? I would think closing every restaurant in a major national chain isn't a knee-jerk decision.
Heard about this today. All Bennigans restaurants nationwide will close today with the exception of the stores owned by franchisees. I liked Bennigans, good food! But what irritates me is that Bennigans is following a real horrific trend. Employees showed up to Bennigans for work this morning to closed doors and in some cases no signs or management present. I had this happen to a friend of mine a few years ago who worked for Chi Chis restaurant. He came in for work and everything was gone! (He was the store manager). So he called the police and was told by the police that the company had come in at 2AM the previous night and took everything. Why do companies like Bennigans, Chi-Chis, Marshals, etc do this? Its becoming common and its not right! A lot of single parents and others are now hurting more because you couldn't tell them last night or wait just one day and take the loss? WTF?

That's because Bennigans and Steak & Ale are filing chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. They take everything out of the stores without telling anyone because they plan to take all of the assets out of the store and liquidate them to recoup losses. They don't tell anyone because they don't want keyholders (managers) taking stuff from the store before they get there.

Business is cold and impersonal. If you don't know how to be, then you won't be in business for long. Life isn't fair and the world is a heartless, ruthless place. People only have to do nice things when they WANT to. It's not "becoming" a common thing, it's been that way ever since people have been in business.
Actually they filed Chapter 7 Bankruptcy which I've heard is a little different as to what they can and can't do compared with Chapter 11. But I'm not a lawyer. To me, it doesn't matter how "cold" businesses are. Sure its reality but you know what? Reality sucks big time sometimes. I've been in retail for 20 years and stuff like what Bennigans did baffles me. The fact they care so little for the people that are busting their ass AND it was reported today that most of the employees will not be receiving their last paychecks.
Sure its reality but you know what? Reality sucks big time sometimes. I've been in retail for 20 years and stuff like what Bennigans did baffles me. The fact they care so little for the people that are busting their ass AND it was reported today that most of the employees will not be receiving their last paychecks.

That's funny because this kind of stuff has been common business practice for at least the last 300 years.

Bennigans doesn't OWE these people anything, other than their earned wage...which they can't afford to pay (but might after liquidations and if determined by court order).

People have really self-defeating views on concepts of honor and decency and how they deserve to be treated. It's living with blinders on. The writing has been on the wall for Bennigans for YEARS now and if people were dumb enough to continue working for such a business, it's sort of their own fault. I can't understand how basic concepts such has how the world really operates can be so elusive to people.

They don't "care so little". They don't care at all...because they don't have to. They're not supposed to either.

Sure, it's a very unfortunate situation...but people need to find more constructive uses of their time because complaining about something beyond your control is never the answer.
That's funny because this kind of stuff has been common business practice for at least the last 300 years.

Bennigans doesn't OWE these people anything, other than their earned wage...which they can't afford to pay (but might after liquidations and if determined by court order).

People have really self-defeating views on concepts of honor and decency and how they deserve to be treated. It's living with blinders on. The writing has been on the wall for Bennigans for YEARS now and if people were dumb enough to continue working for such a business, it's sort of their own fault. I can't understand how basic concepts such has how the world really operates can be so elusive to people.

They don't "care so little". They don't care at all...because they don't have to. They're not supposed to either.

Sure, it's a very unfortunate situation...but people need to find more constructive uses of their time because complaining about something beyond your control is never the answer.

You my friend are WRONG. DEAD WRONG in that they DO owe those people at least to show up and explain themselves. Is that so goddamn hard? To pick up a phone, send out a mass e-mail, send a representative to the store to explain things? You have a warped sense of reality and it is you who has "blinders" on. I'm looking at both sides. And yes I am complaining about something I can't do anything about. Thats my right, and alot of people feel the same way. And guess what? When enough people get behind something that bothers them, sometimes they are able to change it. Its called public opinion.
People have really self-defeating views on concepts of honor and decency and how they deserve to be treated. It's living with blinders on. I can't understand how basic concepts such has how the world really operates can be so elusive to people.

They don't "care so little". They don't care at all...because they don't have to. They're not supposed to either.

I think you're generalizing here, and I don't think it's true. There are businesses out there who care a great deal about their employees. However, I don't believe any large or big-time businesses, ESPECIALLY retail and resturant chains fall into this catagory. You work for a company of this type and you are nothing to them but a mindless, faceless, wage slave; easily replaced and certainly not special. Once you realize this, jobs at these places become very "for me by me".

This particular attitude drove me out of this particular avenue of jobs very quickly a long time ago...

But yes, I agree, anyone who expects anything more than working for a paycheck for companies like this who make it so obvious that you are nothing more than a tool to make money is kidding themselves.
You my friend are WRONG. DEAD WRONG in that they DO owe those people at least to show up and explain themselves. Is that so goddamn hard? To pick up a phone, send out a mass e-mail, send a representative to the store to explain things?

Technically, in any "right to work" state, they in fact, DON'T legally have to tell anyone anything, as anyone can be fired for any reason at any time. Arizona is one such state.

You have a warped sense of reality and it is you who has "blinders" on. I'm looking at both sides.

See, no you're not. Or if you are, maybe you should take a look at it from a totally neutral perspective. You say the business "owes" the employees an explanation. Do you mean out of legality or out of respect? Because, come on man... there is none of that in retail. It's completely cutthroat. Any business venture is an exersize in maximizing money making, regardless of who you have to step on.

And yes I am complaining about something I can't do anything about. Thats my right, and alot of people feel the same way. And guess what? When enough people get behind something that bothers them, sometimes they are able to change it. Its called public opinion.

More power to you.
You my friend are WRONG. DEAD WRONG in that they DO owe those people at least to show up and explain themselves. Is that so goddamn hard? To pick up a phone, send out a mass e-mail, send a representative to the store to explain things? You have a warped sense of reality and it is you who has "blinders" on. I'm looking at both sides. And yes I am complaining about something I can't do anything about. Thats my right, and alot of people feel the same way. And guess what? When enough people get behind something that bothers them, sometimes they are able to change it. Its called public opinion.

I'm dead wrong? they have to? Who is going to make them? Seriously? They don't owe anybody anything except what's contractually owed which is pay. Which if, in the end they can't, is tough tits! Also, keep in mind...picking up a phone, sending an email or sending a representative all COSTS MONEY. Something they don't have any more of, remember?

That's just how it is.

You don't change something by complaining. You change something by action. The only reason people complain is because they hope someone else decides to do something they can't be arsed to do. If it's something you can't do on your own, you figure out how to GET the power to do it on your own. Anything else and you're only PRETENDING to care. If you're not CONTRIBUTING with ACTION to the SOLUTION then you are doing NOTHING to solve the PROBLEM.
I think you're generalizing here, and I don't think it's true. There are businesses out there who care a great deal about their employees. However, I don't believe any large or big-time businesses, ESPECIALLY retail and resturant chains fall into this catagory. You work for a company of this type and you are nothing to them but a mindless, faceless, wage slave; easily replaced and certainly not special. Once you realize this, jobs at these places become very "for me by me".

This particular attitude drove me out of this particular avenue of jobs very quickly a long time ago...

But yes, I agree, anyone who expects anything more than working for a paycheck for companies like this who make it so obvious that you are nothing more than a tool to make money is kidding themselves.

Yes, there are business that do. I'm not disputing that. I'm only stating that they don't have to and you're an idiot if you want to tell those that don't otherwise.

You choose the people that you decide to work for. If they don't respect you then you made the wrong choice, but they're not REQUIRED to do anything for you beyond what's obligated contractually and what's in the best interested of the shareholders (public or private, and that's also a kind of contractual obligation). BTW, in most cases, guess which one of those comes first!
I've been in retail for 20 years and stuff like what Bennigans did baffles me. The fact they care so little for the people that are busting their ass AND it was reported today that most of the employees will not be receiving their last paychecks.

Lamentably, I worked way way too long in the restaurant biz. I've also done time in retail. I'm sorry The Q, but one thing I seldom saw in either sector were "people busting their asses." For the most part we're talking high school/college kids, part-timers, and just people who generally don't give a shit about those types of jobs. And why should they? For many they are temporary/seasonal/transitional jobs that lend themselves well to coming in high/drunk/hungover and having the bare minimum of responsibilities. Then there's the shit wages, and the dubious honor of routinely dealing with shitty people. Personally, if I showed up to Bennigan's for work and it was closed, I'd take it as a blessing. I understand it may not seem "fair" to the employees, but hey this stuff happens all the time in virtually every field of work.

And also, I never liked Bennigan's. It all tasted like shit to me. Plenty of much cooler restaurants around here to eat at. Maybe people will take their money to an independently run restaurant. I do have a friend who'll be extremely sad he can no longer get a Killkenny Salad. HA!
Bennigans used(?) to have a dessert called Death by Chocolate. Incredibly good. Also had a good beer selection (if I recall correctly).

Its a shitty way to do things, no doubt. At least the Starbucks folks know its coming... or so it seems. But all these people can then drive down to the unemployment office and start collecting while they find a new job. Most likely they can walk across the street, fill out an application at another chain restaraunt and start that evening.

*Though the Starbucks one definitely sucks as the company gave its employees excellent benefits.
I was never a fan of Bennigans and Steak and Ale. I think it is fucked up what happened. I worked somewhere that got shut down, but all the managers called every employee the day they found out, and we all worked through the liquidation of everything, and even got paid 3 weeks of severence, and this was Home Depot landscape supply. They were shitty about helping us transfer to another store and such, so I went to Lowe's, and am loving it there, but rocky is right, most people don't give two shits about work in retail, except a select few. I work my ass off everyday trying to make the place look good and do all kinds of shit, and other people just stand around(actually lean around), just to help a customer, when they could be busy in the meantime, but hey, people will eventually get what is coming to them. I told one of my coworkers he was lazy as shit, and he got so mad, I think it was because somebody was finally truthful to him.
The same sort of story occurred here with a popular heavy radio station (WHFS, for those who care). The morning DJ came to work (like 4 in the morning) to get ready for his show to find the signs changed and the locks changed as the Corporation swapped it overnight to a spanish language station.... This is how corporations behave, it shouldn't be that big of a surprise.

The reason stuff like this happens is to protect the assets of their shareholders and creditors. The people they are most responsible to (NOT employees).

They need to do this BEFORE financial and trading institutions open for the day because if they fuck it up they can actually potentially be charged with things like negligence, etc.

Btw, the economic impact of a bunch of investors losing their ass is a lot heavier than a couple thousand people missing a few days pay.
Rational business decisions are better than emotional ones.
Sorry you are never going to convince me that there is a reason to treat people like that. Nothing you argue even remotely makes me rethink my position. And I've been on both sides of the coin, the retail store/ restaurant person and management. I've been doing it for over 20 years. Sure the businesses owe their creditors and shareholders but where you are wrong is they DO owe their employees. Not legally, but MORALLY. Because its the right thing to do. Just because businesses have been doing it for 300 years doesn't make it right. If businesses would treat their employees with an ounce of respect things would be different. And are you forgetting that its the employees that are making the money for the creditors and shareholders?
There is no moral court in this part of the world. God help us if there ever is.

There is no "right" and "wrong" in business there is just "legal, ethical and economically sound" and "everything else".

As far as treating employees with respect...well...Unskilled, replaceable laborers contribute the least to the economic growth of the company and the company has to take care of the people who they are most responsible to and have been responsible for them over the years. You may have some personal moral judgement of how this company should behave, but if you look at the complete picture, doing what you ask is actually unethical and essentially immoral.

If business is cold and ruthless, so be it. It's the fairest and most ethical situation FOR ALL.
There are places where business ethics respect and honor the little guy (the proletariat) but as history has shown us, those systems are not economically sound.