All Hail Consumerism

This incident isn't confirmed to have erupted over a sale, but I'm sure the situation they were in was partially responsible for the tension.

PALM DESERT, Calif. – The shooting occurred in a crowded toy store on the traditional start of the holiday shopping season, but authorities say it wasn't related to the bargain-hunting frenzy. Instead, two men pulled guns and killed each other after the women with them erupted into a bloody brawl, witnesses said.

Authorities released few details about the mayhem that broke out at the Toys "R" Us store around 11:30 a.m. Friday, sending scared shoppers fleeing. Riverside County sheriff's Sgt. Dennis Gutierrez said the fight was not over a toy and that handguns were found by the men's bodies. He refused to say whether the shooting was gang-related.

The victims were identified as Alejandro Moreno, 39, of Desert Hot Springs, and Juan Meza, 28, of Cathedral City. No one else was hurt.

Witnesses Scott and Joan Barrick said they were checking out of the store when the brawl began between two women, each with a man. The women were near the checkout area, but the Barricks did not think the women had purchases.

One woman suddenly started punching the other woman, who fought back as blood flowed from her nose, said Scott Barrick, 41. The man who was with the woman being punched pulled a gun halfway out of his pocket, then shoved it back in, he said.

"He pulled his gun right next to me. I turned to look for my wife, and she was already hiding," Scott Barrick said.

"I was scared," said Joan Barrick, 40. "I didn't want to die today. I really didn't want to die today, and I think that's what we were all thinking."

The other man pulled a gun and pointed it at the first man but forgot to cock it, Scott Barrick said. The first man tried to run but was blocked by the line of people, then ran back toward the store's electronics section as the other man fired his gun, he said.

The first man reached a dead-end in electronics, turned around and ran toward an exit, pulling his gun and firing back, Scott Barrick said.

"He went up to the cash register, he went to put his hand on the thing and he just went phoomp," he said, indicating the man fell.

He said he did not see what happened to the other man.

Palm Desert Councilman Jim Ferguson said police told him two men with handguns shot and killed each other.

"I think the obvious question everyone has is who takes loaded weapons into a Toys "R" Us?" he said. "I doubt it was the casual holiday shopper."

Ray Turner, 20, said he was two aisles away when two women began shouting and screaming at each other and he had a clear view of the fight until a crowd clustered around them. Both women had children, he said.

"We thought it was just a fight and then someone yelled: `He's got a gun! He's got a gun!' You really couldn't see nothing because there was a crowd," Turner said.

Rafael Gomez, 11, said he and his father had been in the store about 20 minutes before the shooting but were in a nearby Pizza Hut when they saw people pouring out of the store screaming.

"We just saw them running and crying. I was kind of scared," Rafael said. "We got lucky."

Toys "R" Us issued a statement expressing outrage over the violence.

"We are working closely with local law enforcement officials to determine the specific details of what occurred," the statement said. "Our understanding is that this act seems to have been the result of a personal dispute between the individuals involved. Therefore, it would be inaccurate to associate the events of today with Black Friday."

Palm Desert is a resort town about 120 miles east of Los Angeles.

God damn Mexicans.
There were a couple of decent deals at stores here, but they were things I don't really need and would have had to put on a credit card. Simply not worth it.

As for the barbarians trampling people...just another reason that we really need to thin the herd.
"two mexicans' wives start fighting*

Mexican 1: Fuck this, mang. We left our marajuana farms for this?
Mexican 2: Suicide pact!
Mexican 1: Indeed!

*Mexican 1 & 2 draw their firearms and kill one-another in order to release themselves from the agony of having to stand in a crowded Toys-R-Us while their wives fight one-another at five in the morning*
so how did you guys make out?

I bought 2 buttered bagels this morning, one plain and an "everything"
so for all you blu-ray owners.
I see the prices of players are coming down to like $120-$150 ... not so bad. and movies are getting priced around $15-$20 now (not that I buy movies)

so I have a 32" 720p lcd ... is blu-ray going to make a difference picture wise? I know you should have a 1080p set ideally, but does it make ANY difference on a 720p set over regular DVD?
this is just how i pictured the people that hang out outside best buy at 3am .... mainly with no teeth

I think that's great if people want to do this. More power to them. I've long since come to the conclusion that the VAST MAJORITY or people are mindless automatons and what people do no longer surprises me. What makes me ill though, is that this is what *all* of America looks like. This exact same shopping center can be accessed by virtually ANY interstate or main highway exit ramp. It doesn't matter what State you're in.