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:lol: You piece of crap... He wasn't half bad actually, it was just that even if people started joking about anything he'd go crazy.
Dodens Grav said:

You're all assholish jerks and should be ashamed of yourselves. Perhaps this isn't the proper forum for this particular thread but there was no need for flaming. Why do this board's administrators still allow retarded pricks like Dodens Grav run around this forum and flame people for no reason? Perhaps they should find a new mod team for this forum, because whoever is currently in that position isn't doing their job.
Pure Blood Broom said:
Why do this board's administrators still allow retarded pricks like Dodens Grav run around this forum and flame people for no reason?

because hes more interesting than 94% of the rest of you monkeys?

i mean, hes often an ass, yes, but at least he doesnt post lame anime scribbles & spooge over generic fuckoff COB bands & such, which i would say makes him a positive contributor.

:feels gay for defending dodens:
A few tips about UMGMD members:
1. Dodens Grav is a craggy, humorless nerd whose encyclopedic knowledge of metal is his only known attribute.
2. Metal Paddy is a hilarious, drunken, British biker and is more metal than YOU.
3. Teh Grimarse is the silly Texan, ender7227 is the dorky one.
4. Carcassian is (obviously) the knower of all things Carcass.
5. Susperia is the "artsy-fartsy" chick.
6. Krigloch the Furious, a distant relative of Michael Moore, is the bearer of Viking Metal knowledge.
7. Byrne is a bitter fuck.
8. Lyle is the official GMD troll and court jester.
9. (@Pure Blood Broom)V.V.V.V.V. and MetalAges are the mods, and do a good enough job.
10. DeathsSweetEmbrace is the only real reason to log on, considering his insightful and poignant posts :lol:
Teh Grimarse said:
because hes more interesting...hes often an ass...makes him a positive contributor.

Dodens Grav is a guy?!?! I thought he was a chick!!! :lol:
DeathsSweetEmbrace said:
A few tips about UMGMD members:
1. Dodens Grav is a craggy, humorless nerd whose encyclopedic knowledge of metal is his only known attribute.
2. Metal Paddy is a hilarious, drunken, British biker and is more metal than YOU.
3. Teh Grimarse is the silly Texan, ender7227 is the dorky one.
4. Carcassian is (obviously) the knower of all things Carcass.
5. Susperia is the "artsy-fartsy" chick.
6. Krigloch the Furious, a distant relative of Michael Moore, is the bearer of Viking Metal knowledge.
7. Byrne is a bitter fuck.
8. Lyle is the official GMD troll and court jester.
9. (@Pure Blood Broom)V.V.V.V.V. and MetalAges are the mods, and do a good enough job.
10. DeathsSweetEmbrace is the only real reason to log on, considering his insightful and poignant posts :lol:

I'm honoured to be mentioned! Nice try for a thread by thread starter, but it doesn't really fit the criteria, for a discussion in here, nor, more importantly, the general mood of the forum.

To those "dissing" (as we say in the Ghetto) Dodens - a big, hearty, British, full-fat, none of the additives serving of "FUCK YOURSELF" :rock:
ender7227 said:
No, it is not the only forum where you can talk about music, but this is not an art forum.
Surely you can find a forum on fan art or general art somewhere else?
And why do you do fan art? Why not real art with your own characters or people you know? Why did you waste the time to draw Alexi Laiho?

I make my own art. Photography and painting.
Pure Blood Broom said:
You're all assholish jerks and should be ashamed of yourselves. Perhaps this isn't the proper forum for this particular thread but there was no need for flaming. Why do this board's administrators still allow retarded pricks like Dodens Grav run around this forum and flame people for no reason? Perhaps they should find a new mod team for this forum, because whoever is currently in that position isn't doing their job.

I still haven't figured out who you are but I know you don't mean that.
DeathsSweetEmbrace said:
A few tips about UMGMD members:
1. Dodens Grav is a craggy, humorless nerd whose encyclopedic knowledge of metal is his only known attribute.
2. Metal Paddy is a hilarious, drunken, British biker and is more metal than YOU.
3. Teh Grimarse is the silly Texan, ender7227 is the dorky one.
4. Carcassian is (obviously) the knower of all things Carcass.
5. Susperia is the "artsy-fartsy" chick.
6. Krigloch the Furious, a distant relative of Michael Moore, is the bearer of Viking Metal knowledge.
7. Byrne is a bitter fuck.
8. Lyle is the official GMD troll and court jester.
9. (@Pure Blood Broom)V.V.V.V.V. and MetalAges are the mods, and do a good enough job.
10. DeathsSweetEmbrace is the only real reason to log on, considering his insightful and poignant posts :lol:
Perfect description
And I'm glad to be counted among the "regulars"
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