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hey ender, you really take that shit too seriously... you shouldnt give a f*ck when ppl say stupid things like that...
DeathsSweetEmbrace said:
A few tips about UMGMD members:
1. Dodens Grav is a craggy, humorless nerd whose encyclopedic knowledge of metal is his only known attribute.
2. Metal Paddy is a hilarious, drunken, British biker and is more metal than YOU.
3. Teh Grimarse is the silly Texan, ender7227 is the dorky one.
4. Carcassian is (obviously) the knower of all things Carcass.
5. Susperia is the "artsy-fartsy" chick.
6. Krigloch the Furious, a distant relative of Michael Moore, is the bearer of Viking Metal knowledge.
7. Byrne is a bitter fuck.
8. Lyle is the official GMD troll and court jester.
9. (@Pure Blood Broom)V.V.V.V.V. and MetalAges are the mods, and do a good enough job.
10. DeathsSweetEmbrace is the only real reason to log on, considering his insightful and poignant posts :lol:

Michael Moore? wtf!
I guess #6 aint that bad though.
I'm not "craggy," "humourless," or a "nerd" btw, I consider that defamation and you will hear from my attorney.
Krigloch the Furious said:
Michael Moore? wtf!
I guess #6 aint that bad though.


Dude, grow your beard and wear some glasses.

@ Dodens: I will settle out of court with an offer of all my Accept LPs.
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