All Lepou amp sims mix

Star Ark

Apr 6, 2010
A couple of weeks ago I discovered LePou amp vsts

This mix has at times up to 10 tracks of LePou Lecto using free impulses I found on the net and I'm really happy with the sound. I'm really thinking of getting rid of my Krank and quad box and relying on vsts now.

About 50 seconds in you will hear 10 different guitar tracks playing at once and I had to do very little mixing make it work, LePou tracks just stack up really nice, so much better than anything I've tried in the past.

Guitar used is a Jackson Dinky with EMG 81 and 85

I'm also using Oneq's B.O.D plug for my bass which is amzing as well. I didn't find Bass cab impulses usefull

Drum sounds are Metal Foundry

Let me know what you think and if i should sell the hardware and move onto amp sims. They can only get better as time goes on
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This sounds awesome! What was your guitar signal chain? Anything before the Lecto, or just straight in? What cab impulses did you use?

Oh, and the song is pretty great too. :headbang:

Is this the same mix you have up on Bandcamp, or does that one use a different guitar chain?
I'm also using Oneq's B.O.D plug for my bass which is amzing as well. I didn't find Bass cab impulses usefull

Just curious, not sure how BOD works - is it just DI bass than BOD for a nice tone? Seems too simple!
Thanks Disconneckt

My chain is UA Solo 610 pre into an ART Pro Vla 2 compressor. I don't use the comp on the guitar but I do on the bass and vocals.

The impulses are from the free Red Wirez pack, I used 3 impulses for each track, a far mic a sm57 and condensor. I also clone some tracks and leave them as a dry DI, high pass them to about 500 and blend them in to get more clarity on the open chord sections. Nothing else on the guitars apart from a little bit of delay on some tracks.

I use LeCab2 to load the impulses and it does the job.

All my other tracks at the bandcamp site use a krankenstein or a vox ac50 into a Marshall 1960 quad. I use a sm7b when I record real guitars.

LePou is going to save heaps of people lots of money and hopefully stir up the amp modeling industry. If you haven't tried it give it a go. It is the only amp sim I've ever used that doesn't make me want to keep changing the eq settings.
Just curious, not sure how BOD works - is it just DI bass than BOD for a nice tone? Seems too simple!

It is that simple dude !!

I spent all of 2 minutes playing with it and bounced down my bass track. It's free and it's really, really good.

Lecto, Oneq B.O.D, Metal Foundry drums is a great combo. I notice by your sig that you're recording a full length, I strongly suggest you try LePou and OneQ, you can probly get great free drum samples too
I use Lecto a lot already... it is one of my two favorite sims. Great clarity and no weird digital harshness or shrillness that seem to plague most others. However, the new X50 from Onqel would be getting most of my use these days if I could run more than 2 instances without choking my CPU... once he optimizes it and tames the CPU usage, X50 will be my go-to (although I'll still use Lecto for variety and thickening up overdubs). I highly recommend you go to the forum at and give the latest X50 beta a shot!

And yeah, every DI bass track I record or mix goes through the TSE BOD... it's just that good!
I use Lecto a lot already... it is one of my two favorite sims. Great clarity and no weird digital harshness or shrillness that seem to plague most others. However, the new X50 from Onqel would be getting most of my use these days if I could run more than 2 instances without choking my CPU... once he optimizes it and tames the CPU usage, X50 will be my go-to (although I'll still use Lecto for variety and thickening up overdubs). I highly recommend you go to the forum at and give the latest X50 beta a shot!

And yeah, every DI bass track I record or mix goes through the TSE BOD... it's just that good!

Thanks for the heads up mate, I'm gonna give that x50 a shot. My PC is about 4 years old so I think I'll have the same trouble you're getting but if I can get these tones through free vsts I can treat myself to a new pc to run them !
It is that simple dude !!

I spent all of 2 minutes playing with it and bounced down my bass track. It's free and it's really, really good.

Lecto, Oneq B.O.D, Metal Foundry drums is a great combo. I notice by your sig that you're recording a full length, I strongly suggest you try LePou and OneQ, you can probly get great free drum samples too

Nice, yeah. If you listen to the most recent demos posted on my Soundcloud, it's all LeCto tone. The mix isn't great though, I didn't handle it, our guitarist did. There's no bass, so you can't blame him :p And for drum samples, I'm actually going to just pay $60 a full set of drums and cymbals from Joey Sturgis. Sounds great and is cheap.

What I really love is the huge atmospheric feel you have with the guitars dude! It's really a shock how well all those layers of guitars really went on top of each other. I'm guessing you had to give the guitars a little EQ work?
Nice, yeah. If you listen to the most recent demos posted on my Soundcloud, it's all LeCto tone. The mix isn't great though, I didn't handle it, our guitarist did. There's no bass, so you can't blame him :p And for drum samples, I'm actually going to just pay $60 a full set of drums and cymbals from Joey Sturgis. Sounds great and is cheap.

What I really love is the huge atmospheric feel you have with the guitars dude! It's really a shock how well all those layers of guitars really went on top of each other. I'm guessing you had to give the guitars a little EQ work?

I can hear that Lecto sound in the 6/8 demo and Ship Shirts. With bass guitar and nice drum samples those tracks could sound pretty decent.

Oh and I really love some of the melodies in those tunes, and that elctro bit in Ship Shirts is killer, I'm keen to hear the final versions:headbang:

Most of the eq is done within the plugin and then I freeze them as soon as I record them. That way I'm forced to stick with the sound and not spend too long trying to eq 10 guitars the day after I tracked them. There are a few high and low shelves and automated delay sends.

Let me know when I can hear so final versions of Unexpected Allies tracks !
I can hear that Lecto sound in the 6/8 demo and Ship Shirts. With bass guitar and nice drum samples those tracks could sound pretty decent.

Oh and I really love some of the melodies in those tunes, and that elctro bit in Ship Shirts is killer, I'm keen to hear the final versions:headbang:

Most of the eq is done within the plugin and then I freeze them as soon as I record them. That way I'm forced to stick with the sound and not spend too long trying to eq 10 guitars the day after I tracked them. There are a few high and low shelves and automated delay sends.

Let me know when I can hear so final versions of Unexpected Allies tracks !

Interesting. So you've got a high and a low pass but a lot of cuts around 200-500, 3-4k etc ("problem spots")? Here's an old recording of "Ship Shirts and Pirate Pants" (Silly name, but we have no clue what the lyrics are about so we just named it after what the singer was wearing) with vocals. I didn't do the mix and recording though, still pretty cool but disappointingly low on low end.
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Interesting. So you've got a high and a low pass but a lot of cuts around 200-500, 3-4k etc ("problem spots")? Here's an old recording of "Ship Shirts and Pirate Pants" (Silly name, but we have no clue what the lyrics are about so we just named it after what the singer was wearing) with vocals. I didn't do the mix and recording though, still pretty cool but disappointingly low on low end.

Your singer wasn't what I was expecting but I think he is does a great job. Sounds a little Coheed in Cambria maybe. I wanna hear it again once you get the new drum samples, thats the only thing really holding it back
Thanks for the heads up mate, I'm gonna give that x50 a shot. My PC is about 4 years old so I think I'll have the same trouble you're getting but if I can get these tones through free vsts I can treat myself to a new pc to run them !

I bet you'd at the very least be able to run one instance at low quality to play with it. And if you find a tone you like, you can do the same thing you did on this song with the LeCto. Speaking of which, I think a mix of the two amps on this song would be awesome.

Any chance you'd consider uploading the tracks for some mixing fun? I'd love to play around with this one...