All of my heroes are dead...


Your Favorite Uncle
May 28, 2003
the bluegrass state
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There is no official word on this yet but it looks like Edward Van Halen has decided to ruin what's left of the shell of the Once Mighty Van Halen by firing Michael Anthony!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GEEZ! Evidently Sammy made some comments to Rolling Stone magazine that he was definitely DONE working with the brothers and Edward didn't like the fact that Michael and Sammy are buds. Michael Anthony was the unsung hero of the band! At least he was an original member for Pete's sake!

I'm sorry Ed. You are one of my musical heroes but you have become a straight up bitch.
Michael Anthony was on some radio show a week or so ago & said that Eddie was drinking & ruined the tour for him & Sammy...
It's not surprising that Eddie would/could can him, as it appears that he didn't even play bass on the tracks of their double disc best of...
Sour grapes from Anthony?! You bet. Is there some truth to it, likely.
You have to remmeber, Eddie's M.O. is when the shit hits the fan blame the singer!
Well, since the singer(Sammy) has proven that he can tour yearly without "the band," Eddie has to take it out on someone, right? He's got no old lady, he has to live with his brother, so Mike you're it!
kittybeast said:
three things always ruin a band.....



I haven't found anything that money and/or sex can damage so far.
Wyvern said:

I haven't found anything that money and/or sex can damage so far.
OK, Well the sex must just ruin those rock-n-roll marriages.....
Money/greed has ruined many a band as far as lack of skills to manage their portfolios....but then again it also brings back those bands that need more $$$.
sixxswine said:
It's not a matter of "knowing how" to drink.
He CAN'T drink or he loses control. Educate yourself...:loco:
This is a good point. Alcohol affects different people different ways. Some people are sloppy drunks, some are mean drunks. Neither is desirable to be around. If they can't control it, they need to stay the fuck away from it (right JD?).

Thankfully, I am a happy drunk, one of the most popular drunks there are! :kickass: