all right now for a new thread..what are u listening to in your car stereo

I've been listening to alot of Elvis, Led Zep, Kaiser Chiefs, U2, Faith no More, and that's it on my I-pod. I have no car. At work, my bar manager I've noticed, no longer cares if I get a little bit more expiremental about the station selection. The owner made us get XM radio and I like channel 47 which is modern rock hits from every single era, I think. I think it's called ethel and I also like boneyard. I've heard them sneak in motorhead.
I've changed it a little bit today...I have a cd of all the slow tempo iron maiden and bruce dickinson songs...the new queensryche's (operation mindcrime II)
overkill's the years of decay...testament's low and the ritual and the new Joe (satchmo) satriani's super colossal........
Static X - Start a War
Living Colour - Vivid
Tomahawk - Mit Gas
Mr Bungle - California
I'm glad to see more Mr. Bungle mentions... I can't express how great it was to hear their songs for the first time

the acapella chanting that goes into the thrash metal riff in "Goodbye Sober Day" caught me way, way off guard... to say the very least