All Time Low-style band I'm recording. (real drums + amps + pictures inside)


Space Cowboy
Mar 7, 2010
Borlänge, Sweden
Hey guys! So, finally got my first paid job. Had to do it in a studio I'm not so fond of though, really shitty preamps and they're running Cubase SX3 (I mean, COME ON!). Anyways, did the best I could. These are your average first-timers, drummer has never played to a click and guitarist is playing his 100$ guitar thinking he's yngwie fucking malmstien. I've tried quantizing the drums a little, still a few misses here and there, I think it adds character to it all. Did a pre-mix. Tell me what you think!

Band's called "from Justine" and the song is called "Riding Carts" (these guys are 15-16 year olds trying to get laid, i mean, what did you expect?):

The drums were some maple Gretch (grenola/grenoda, dunno what the dude said, he sounded like a retard), all sparkly and shit (spaced pair'ed with some AKG motherfuckers I found laying around, 57 for toms, snare + kick are 100% slate):


And for guitars I used a 5150 mkII with the fredman micing technique (maybe to metal for this shit, I dunno):


And bass was DI with SVX (no pics needed, right?)

Anyways, I just made myself a huge Screwdriver and was planning on sitting on the porch, smoking some cigarettes and feeling sorry for myself for a while. In the mean time, why don't you hit me back with some tips and opinions.

Wow, was commenting a couple of other threads and realized that I was DOWN-BUMPING my own thread ;(
Need opinions on this since it's due til tomorrow (tuesday), so comment please!
Huge pics! haha.

The snare could use more body. The kick sounds like it is pumping the mix.

The vocals need a little more compression or volume automation to keep them at a consistent level. They fluctuate a little too much. They also kind of blend in too much. Maybe up them a db or 2? Screams could go down a db or 2.
The mix sounds solid to me. I agree with the above comment about the snare and the guitars a bit too fizzy for my tastes, but I guess thats pretty subjective.
I think its bad form to post about paying clients on a public forum while calling them retards though :/
Actually I think is realy great mix but shitty performance don't let it see the light at all. I most liked mix color which is remind me some pricy stuff.
The mix sounds solid to me. I agree with the above comment about the snare and the guitars a bit too fizzy for my tastes, but I guess thats pretty subjective.
I think its bad form to post about paying clients on a public forum while calling them retards though :/

Haha, this forum is pretty underground imo. I'll try boosting eq @ around 200hz and see if it helps.

Actually I think is realy great mix but shitty performance don't let it see the light at all. I most liked mix color which is remind me some pricy stuff.

Yeah, the bass player/singer actually joined the band a week and a half before entering the studio and like a said, the drummer had never heard a click. So considering this, it's sounding pretty good.