All To Human?!?! Whats the deal Texas?

There are alot of new Texas bands, but the problem is getting the news out about them. I live in texas but i am over 600 miles from Dallas and over 800 from Houston so info on these bands gets here rather slow.

Here are tow other Texas bands you have to hear:

Fair to Midland

These guys are really awesome.
The first time I saw Magistral, ATH was opening up...they were awesome (in the sense that they are really tight), BUT, these guys never ever do shows. I think their singer lives in California. We have 4 really good bands in the prog/power genres here but only one of them does alot of shows and that's MAgistral.
I actually just got a friend request from them the other day too and it was the first time I'd heard of them .....Texas is just SO BIG ya know! It's hard to get to them all ;)