All very exciting !!!...


Real World's Mad Girl
three weeks ago i put up 54 posters in college to advertise the fulham gig and there are still some around which is pleasing.... i also had someone come up to me when i was wearing my hoody and ask if it was related to the posters that they had seen!!! so i gave em blurb and a flyer!!!!!!!!!!!

its kind of odd though walking through college and seeing the chaps and chappette on the walls!!!!!!! but strangely good!!!!!!! :spin:
I get the same with my hat.... a number or people think its a strange cult or summat.. in some ways of course, theyre right ;) :lol:

Bit of promotion never hurts ;)
Get some Area 54 hoddies done and everyone will be promoting them...

Ah sarcasm rules.

Btw that was a dig at the teenage hoodie brigade not the band not that I'm insulting any... oh forget it. I know what I mean. Where's that whisky?

Nah I didn't mean you two! What I meant was the 12 year olds in Slipknot hoodies because they think it's the 'in thing'. That really annoys me.

Wear your Area 54 hoodies with pride, at least you're proper fans.

I got a Zimmers Hole hoodie imported from Canada and it's easily the best thing ever to wear when it's cold or after gigs. Totally toasty:)

And of course, nobody knows who they are, so you get bonus obscurity points:D

And there are flames all over it for added metalness:grin: