..........ROCK IN CAMDEN!!!!!!!! well if its good enough for maiden,,,,
WOW what a night - what a totally fabulous night!
The setlist was:
Where to Hide( suicide)
You see the light
Living a lie
Title to be announced
And the Last Embrace
just wowow
Ok ill start at the start.
i got to the venue for 4:30ish on merch mission and hooked up with the band and was greated with an excited Lakis- NO 'HI MG' just a 'GIlby asked if he could borrow MY head '! ( erm the less complicated term is that it its equipment- not his actual head!)
Anyway, the band weren't sound checking til later so Laura and i headed off into camden on a quick clothes mission!
When we got back gilby and co were sound checking - so Mg started to get all excited - before going and setting up merch.
With a new Board that had all the items pinned to it for display - it was a hell of a lot easier to set up than previous gigs - so i got to talk to people too - which was nice. i was nearlly finished when the guys from the band came over and were Like ' wow this merch is awesome'. and we then gave gilby a beanie hat, their bassist had a long sleeve and their drummer had a short sleeve shirt! wow man - They were walking round after the gig in 54 merch - how COOOOOOL is that? !
Needless to say- when they left i was nearly on the floor- ARGHHHH OH MY GOD GILBY CLARKE!
The soundcheck for 54 was pretty quick - but the sound was actually fantastic, and i was already too hyper for words.
not long before the doors open - there was a major panic as lakis realised his camera had decided to muck up for the night, and naturally he wanted pics of him and gilby- and i only had about 12 pics left on my camera - so i had to run out and get a film. i bumped into charlotte who was in the queue- and had a major - oh my god 'gilby andhis band' fit.
The doors opened a little late unfortunately- and 54 went on at 7.30. there wasnt opportunity for them to use the intro cd but i heard robs sticks and in came WHERE TO HIDE!. i was able to hear perfectly and could just about see from where i was guarding the merch.
To begin with there werent too many of the fans in - and unfortunately a lot of them came in half way through the set - some even missed it.
but even so - those that had never even heard the band before were very into it. I noticed as they went into the Living a Lie solo- a hell of a lot of people moved rather quickly from the bar towards the crowd area. An excited Zed ( total rock dj) gave me a quick hello and then ran down to the front to the front to catch a glimpse of the 54's.
FOrtunately the wonderful charlotte and sarah said they would watch the merch for me for one song so as soon as lakis announced they were going to do the new one- they came and got me and i practially lept over the barrier with excitement.
ONce again the new song was just fantastic- and even before it was finished - there were people clapping and cheering. when it was over i dragged myself away and went back to merch and recovered hehe.
But wow - i still am realing from that solo- good god! i am going to die when they get the new album out!
From watching and hearing the crowd - they went down so well. - like nothing on earth - this was the perfect gig for them - and as DJ/Journalist extraordanaire Malcom Dome said to me later on - 'it looks like they turned a corner'. and i think they most certainly have. they were climbing steadily - but after the last few days - they took a right angled turn and now, The only way is straight up!
the reception they received was fantastic - it really was. Lakis told the crowd how much the gig meant to him and the band and how excited he was - name checking Gilby and thanking him for the opportunity to play( we later lost him for a good while - and he was found to be having a comfy chat with Mr clarke himself! AWESOME! ) and for the crowd/fans for their support- at which point they let up a massive cheer!
they signed out on' And the last embrace' and the crowd were loving it!!!!
At which point i became swarmed with fans waving money at me for cds, tshirts, caps. i was gobsmacked - i mean -they sold a repectable amount at the saxon gigs- but this beat the lot put together.
the fact that people were coming up to buy the album before the band had even finished 'Overload' has to be saying lot. the whole night i had people coming over, asking questions and buying merch. i had a few people who were really keen for the album - but didnt want to buy it at the start of the night so they could go and have a good jump around- asking me if i was still going to be there and could i save them a cd!
So many people stopped to take flyers and ask where they were playing next etc.... a very good reception from all who heard they were playing with UDO in MAy at the underworld! i also had a few people who didnt have enough money that night wanting to know where they could get the cd from at another point!
i cant tell u how gratifying it was from my point of view to be talking to peole who were REALLY interested and wanted to know more. it also great for the band! i was busy pretty much all of the night = and even people who couldnt buy anything were stopping just to tell me how much they thought the band rocked. Rob was talking to one guy who said wow - the drummer rocked ( he hadnt realised rob was the drummer, just that he was in the band) SO rob was a very happy bunny! and i know the other members were being complimented and aksed for signatures the whole night! it was just fantastic!
At the end i had a guy ( i think he said his name was Pepe?) who came and said he would hand out flyers cuz he went to loads of gigs and so took a big handful of flyers - WHAT A DUDE!
Love/hate rocked a lot - and they were pretty friendly chaps. unfortunately i pretty much missed their set cuz i was being swamped!
But the Gilby set was totally awesome, we got a few covers - including Knockin on heavens door and 20th century boy ( at which point i was nearly climing the walls!!!!! ) Nothing like it on earth
I managed to get down to see them - and they had that stage presence that totally makes me love bands! they just were loving every second of it - and playing the best fucking music. i downloaded some stuff off their site a few weeks ago and loved it- but wowwowo - they totally have it - i was only gutted that i didnt have enuf money to get any cds! but i did get a couple of flyers sighned to madgirl and was given a pick! i also had photos taken with the band members and was in my element.
didnt get to talk with gilby so much, but Their drummer plays some guitar/and drums for another band called ball. he was way cool and i talked to him quite a lot. he gave me a copy of the cd - WICKED!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( unfortunately being the fool i am - i asked steve to look after it in his pocket for me and then forgot to get it back off him before i left - so im now gutted - hopefully i get it back soon! )
admittedly i didnt know so much about the band until lastnight- but i damn well knew who Gilby was - and to meet these people who rock so much - and find that they are truly cool, friendly and genuine people just made the night so AWESOME!
Well after the show - we got the merch and stuff packed in the van and got to talk to people for a while. weird as hell to see these almighty people walking round in 54 merch!
It was totally the best night ever -
it was great to see all the people that were able to make it down. - and to meet all the new faces that appeared,
i was talking to a few people on the way home - who said they had seen 54 mentioned in the recent kerrang poll - and were pleased to see that they were supporting gilby. and that they were really really impressed with them - which was nice!
all i can say is the truth is out
The Futures Metal - and it most certainly IS Area 54!!!
Watch this space -cuz its going to be getting busy me thinks!

WOW what a night - what a totally fabulous night!
The setlist was:
Where to Hide( suicide)
You see the light
Living a lie
Title to be announced
And the Last Embrace
just wowow
Ok ill start at the start.
i got to the venue for 4:30ish on merch mission and hooked up with the band and was greated with an excited Lakis- NO 'HI MG' just a 'GIlby asked if he could borrow MY head '! ( erm the less complicated term is that it its equipment- not his actual head!)
Anyway, the band weren't sound checking til later so Laura and i headed off into camden on a quick clothes mission!
When we got back gilby and co were sound checking - so Mg started to get all excited - before going and setting up merch.
With a new Board that had all the items pinned to it for display - it was a hell of a lot easier to set up than previous gigs - so i got to talk to people too - which was nice. i was nearlly finished when the guys from the band came over and were Like ' wow this merch is awesome'. and we then gave gilby a beanie hat, their bassist had a long sleeve and their drummer had a short sleeve shirt! wow man - They were walking round after the gig in 54 merch - how COOOOOOL is that? !
Needless to say- when they left i was nearly on the floor- ARGHHHH OH MY GOD GILBY CLARKE!
The soundcheck for 54 was pretty quick - but the sound was actually fantastic, and i was already too hyper for words.
not long before the doors open - there was a major panic as lakis realised his camera had decided to muck up for the night, and naturally he wanted pics of him and gilby- and i only had about 12 pics left on my camera - so i had to run out and get a film. i bumped into charlotte who was in the queue- and had a major - oh my god 'gilby andhis band' fit.
The doors opened a little late unfortunately- and 54 went on at 7.30. there wasnt opportunity for them to use the intro cd but i heard robs sticks and in came WHERE TO HIDE!. i was able to hear perfectly and could just about see from where i was guarding the merch.
To begin with there werent too many of the fans in - and unfortunately a lot of them came in half way through the set - some even missed it.

FOrtunately the wonderful charlotte and sarah said they would watch the merch for me for one song so as soon as lakis announced they were going to do the new one- they came and got me and i practially lept over the barrier with excitement.
ONce again the new song was just fantastic- and even before it was finished - there were people clapping and cheering. when it was over i dragged myself away and went back to merch and recovered hehe.
But wow - i still am realing from that solo- good god! i am going to die when they get the new album out!
From watching and hearing the crowd - they went down so well. - like nothing on earth - this was the perfect gig for them - and as DJ/Journalist extraordanaire Malcom Dome said to me later on - 'it looks like they turned a corner'. and i think they most certainly have. they were climbing steadily - but after the last few days - they took a right angled turn and now, The only way is straight up!
the reception they received was fantastic - it really was. Lakis told the crowd how much the gig meant to him and the band and how excited he was - name checking Gilby and thanking him for the opportunity to play( we later lost him for a good while - and he was found to be having a comfy chat with Mr clarke himself! AWESOME! ) and for the crowd/fans for their support- at which point they let up a massive cheer!
they signed out on' And the last embrace' and the crowd were loving it!!!!
At which point i became swarmed with fans waving money at me for cds, tshirts, caps. i was gobsmacked - i mean -they sold a repectable amount at the saxon gigs- but this beat the lot put together.
the fact that people were coming up to buy the album before the band had even finished 'Overload' has to be saying lot. the whole night i had people coming over, asking questions and buying merch. i had a few people who were really keen for the album - but didnt want to buy it at the start of the night so they could go and have a good jump around- asking me if i was still going to be there and could i save them a cd!
So many people stopped to take flyers and ask where they were playing next etc.... a very good reception from all who heard they were playing with UDO in MAy at the underworld! i also had a few people who didnt have enough money that night wanting to know where they could get the cd from at another point!
i cant tell u how gratifying it was from my point of view to be talking to peole who were REALLY interested and wanted to know more. it also great for the band! i was busy pretty much all of the night = and even people who couldnt buy anything were stopping just to tell me how much they thought the band rocked. Rob was talking to one guy who said wow - the drummer rocked ( he hadnt realised rob was the drummer, just that he was in the band) SO rob was a very happy bunny! and i know the other members were being complimented and aksed for signatures the whole night! it was just fantastic!
At the end i had a guy ( i think he said his name was Pepe?) who came and said he would hand out flyers cuz he went to loads of gigs and so took a big handful of flyers - WHAT A DUDE!
Love/hate rocked a lot - and they were pretty friendly chaps. unfortunately i pretty much missed their set cuz i was being swamped!
But the Gilby set was totally awesome, we got a few covers - including Knockin on heavens door and 20th century boy ( at which point i was nearly climing the walls!!!!! ) Nothing like it on earth
I managed to get down to see them - and they had that stage presence that totally makes me love bands! they just were loving every second of it - and playing the best fucking music. i downloaded some stuff off their site a few weeks ago and loved it- but wowwowo - they totally have it - i was only gutted that i didnt have enuf money to get any cds! but i did get a couple of flyers sighned to madgirl and was given a pick! i also had photos taken with the band members and was in my element.
didnt get to talk with gilby so much, but Their drummer plays some guitar/and drums for another band called ball. he was way cool and i talked to him quite a lot. he gave me a copy of the cd - WICKED!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( unfortunately being the fool i am - i asked steve to look after it in his pocket for me and then forgot to get it back off him before i left - so im now gutted - hopefully i get it back soon! )
admittedly i didnt know so much about the band until lastnight- but i damn well knew who Gilby was - and to meet these people who rock so much - and find that they are truly cool, friendly and genuine people just made the night so AWESOME!
Well after the show - we got the merch and stuff packed in the van and got to talk to people for a while. weird as hell to see these almighty people walking round in 54 merch!
It was totally the best night ever -
it was great to see all the people that were able to make it down. - and to meet all the new faces that appeared,
i was talking to a few people on the way home - who said they had seen 54 mentioned in the recent kerrang poll - and were pleased to see that they were supporting gilby. and that they were really really impressed with them - which was nice!
all i can say is the truth is out
The Futures Metal - and it most certainly IS Area 54!!!
Watch this space -cuz its going to be getting busy me thinks!