Downloaded this masterpiece yesterday and spinned it over ten times!
What an album!
Sounds like a more hard rock oriented Masterplan and that impression is even stronger considering the amount of presence of Lande's voice. Allen sings fewer leads and in duet songs he's more of a backing and harmony vocal than a lead singer. And that would be my only remark to this masterpiece, it's perfect otherwise. But since I consider both to be at the top of metal singing of today, I really don't understand the reason for less Russell and more Jorn.
Get this, immediately!
What an album!

Sounds like a more hard rock oriented Masterplan and that impression is even stronger considering the amount of presence of Lande's voice. Allen sings fewer leads and in duet songs he's more of a backing and harmony vocal than a lead singer. And that would be my only remark to this masterpiece, it's perfect otherwise. But since I consider both to be at the top of metal singing of today, I really don't understand the reason for less Russell and more Jorn.
Get this, immediately!