ALLEN-LANDE: The Great Divide

I'm divided against myself on this album after hearing a couple of more tracks.

I actually like Tolkki's writing style, but like Karlsson's, it's pretty much unchanged for the last 15 years and for me it's actually worn out it's welcome more than Karlsson's style. As a novelty, hearing Jorn Lande and Russell Allen singing on what amounts to a Revolution Renaissance album is cool, but I don't think I'd want to see this lineup a second time. The album is just TOO Tolkki. If I played this for a metal fan without telling them Karlsson wasn't on it, they'd know right away it was Tolkki. So if they do a 5th, it should either be with Karlsson or give it to someone else, like Erik Martensson or Tobias Sammet, who has worked with both guys and knows how to get great performances from them. Actually, a Sammet-produced project with those two where he's fully focused on bringing out the best in the both of them as opposed to doing his Avantasia project might be all kinds of awesome.
The album is just TOO Tolkki. If I played this for a metal fan without telling them Karlsson wasn't on it, they'd know right away it was Tolkki.

Maybe if the fan is a Tolkki expert who knows all his stuff. But otherwise, the style is not that different from the previous ones IMO. I played it to my wife this weekend. She loves both singers and the first 3 albums and she enjoyed that new one as well, mentioning it was not too far away from the other ones.

Oooo...yep. Nice one

While we're creating fantasy Allen-Lande collaborations...

Stephan Forte
Marco Sfogli
Paul Wardingham (look him up)

There are others I'm sure. I just think those guys would bring some cool ideas to the table.

Wardingham. Yeah, if you want it to be brutally heavy. :heh: Why not Herman Li?