gives terrible review

yep dont forget Rhapsody is also SOOOOO similar as is Thyrfing :err: considering those 3 sound nothing like Skyfire they lose all uh.....ok so I had no respect for already, but now they get negative points hehe.

Lots of confusion? Wtf are they talking about...TD is solid as hell I dont hear any confusion, such a short review, least they could do is cite examples :rolleyes:
well yeh, but rhapsody and thyrfing sound a helluva lot more like skyfire than fucking control denied does haha. and yeh. most of their reviews are on drugs. prescription drugs. mixed with alcohol.
seriously hehehe those people over there have no fucking taste. you guys get like a 2.5, but every weezer album has a 4 or 5. riiiiight.
generally i must agree with this review, because it's my point too. less keys, more guitars on second album is my suggestion...
to tell truth i don't remember any positive reviews in polish magazines or webzines. all comments was that same: without keys it will be better album
guys, could you throw out keys?

well, it's MY OPINION... don't abuse or kill me...
i totally agree....the keys make Skyfire, Skyfire Eldzik. It might not be your taste, but the key usage in Skyfire is their defining trait, and as Jonas sais, they would be just another run of the mill melodic death band .
Originally posted by stargazer
I don't see why we should throw out the keys and become just another standard melodic death band?
isn't it that every standard melodic death band makes heavy use of keyboards....? :oops: ;)
- the ignorant drunk busdriver :oops: :oops:
Hey opacity

I've been trying to find that song (the bunker king) for a while. Can't seem to get a hold of it though..can you maybe e-mail it to me?
Originally posted by stargazer
I don't see why we should throw out the keys and become just another standard melodic death band?

because now you're soft melodic metal band like COB, Northern, Throne Of Chaos, Soilwork and bla, bla, bla... you're sweden boys, so play on guitars! ;) like good metal bands:p
you know what i mean - keys are good sometimes, but as background, not lead instrument...
Originally posted by Shmeir
and i wouldnt say COB are soft.....

did you heard Phlebotomized, Nocturnus or Grief Of Emerald? these are/was bands who knows how use/d keys... 10 years ago Phlebotomized was one of the most brutal band and use keys as lead instrument...
well i kind of see what he means. the keyboards to overtake the guitar in certain parts. i would like to hear a little more guitar volume on the next one, but the keys is where they have most of their melody. they are a keyboard/guitar band so if you dont like it go listen to jester race and chainheart machine. hmmm ya know thats not a bad idea anyways hahaha.
they didn't contrast, because their guitars sounds very soft. imho, "Timeless" has the worst production by Abyss ever...