My Top 50 of 2011


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
For those that have never read my annual “Best of” post, you are officially warned. This is one of the few times that I express my personal views on music while not giving a fuck about showing off knowledge of multiple genres, musical politics, or the festival. I simply rank the music based on sheer enjoyment. I run a Prog & Power festival so you know where my bread is buttered. If you are a member of the politically correct police, stop now as I fully intend to use inappropriate suggestions, insensitive stereotypes, and terrible language frequently in attempst at satire & humor. I apologize in advance to those that I offend.

Furthermore, I may as well stop the “What about so and so…” or “How could you leave out…?” posts that are inevitable. I have the following answers up front that that I leave to your discretion to determine why a release is missing from my list:

1. I thought it sucked.
2. It was a disappointment, boring, or simply not my thing.
3. It was good, but this is not a “Best of Every Disc I Heard This Year” list.
4. I may have not heard the disc. Buffett takes priority from time to time.
5. I forgot. If that happens, I reserve the right to edit my post with an addendum. Old age sucks.

Without further ado…

50. Work of Art- In Progress: It’s been a banner year for Puss Rock. Work of Art doesn’t really sound any different from the hundreds of other bands that get their balls waxed in Frontiers Land. However, the vocalist is great, there are hooks galore, and the production is slick. Mega bonus points awarded for the Miami Vice fashion in the video (save the drummer who looks like he ate Casey Grillo)

49. Cypher Seer- Origins: This was my first pleasant surprise of the year. Upon my initial listen, the obvious Iced Earth influence had me thinking strictly power metal (especially if you went by the official video that is a bit misleading for the entire disc). However, the band actually takes on a more modern & aggressive approach throughout ala later day In Flames, Mercenary, etc. I’m all about the mid-range vocals. They are definitely a band to watch in the future.

48. Lance King- A Moment in Chiros: Lance makes a welcome return to the warm & fuzzy melodic prog world and brings along a voice that hasn’t lost a note since his glory days in Balance of Power. It comes across as a bit too close to Anubis Gate at times (yeah I know...consider the guests involved), but so what? It’s tight as hell traditional prog with a goofy as hell concept (fits right in with the rest of the stuff around here right?). If you missed the free listen on Aol, Lance is stingy as hell with the Youtube uploads so this is the best I could do.

47. Unexpect- Fables of a Sleepless Empire: I can’t make it through this disc in one sitting. I want to throw it against the wall and tell it to DIE! I still can’t tell you what the hell I just heard even after listening to half of it several times. It makes no sense at all. It makes my head hurt and just pisses me off to no end because I don’t get it. And yet…I still try. That’s the brilliance of it.

46. While Heaven Wept- Fear of Infinity: WHW are a headphone band for me. It’s only when I am truly immersed in the sound that I begin to appreciate the restrained majesty of it. While I continue to see the “doom” word thrown around, I just can’t consider them that anymore. They have moved on to a sound that is still being defined, and hopefully never will be. The only negative I have is that I miss the lushness of VOL.

45 . Eumeria- Rebel Mind: The second rookie hits the list. In fact, it’s one of my favorite prog metal debuts in recent memory. I like to think of them of as a Circus Maximus that leans toward the power instead of the prog. A vocalist like this can help take a band to another level and I believe that is where they are headed. I have no doubt you will see them in Atlanta if they keep it together. A word of warning… a 7 minute plus video from a band not named Dream Theater that is not directed by Spielberg or has naked chicks can be a session in endurance.

44. Vangough- Kingdom of Ruin: The American progressive metal scene continues its comeback. The guys have dropped the Pain of Salvation worship and started to develop their own sound. It’s a bit more straight ahead than the debut, but the songwriting is a notch above because it doesn’t rely on wanking or weirdness for the hell of it. However, it still comes across as pretentious as hell at times (I know..prog…never…). It takes a fucked up genius to bring “Watership Down” to the metal scene without it being a joke. Hell, check out the album art. Hippity Hop,bitches.

43. Enbound- And She Says Gold: And she says, “Finally, a new power metal band that doesn’t suck.” This may sound insane, but the disc actually has a cool Nocturnal Rites meets Vanden Plas groove to it in places. Major bonus points for the amazing acoustic-tinged duet, “Frozen to Be.” I have several inappropriate comments I could make about the terrible gold gimmick, but my wife would ban me from my own forum after the email from the ACLU arrives.

42. Sun Caged- The Lotus Effect: Sun Caged has always been one of those bands that never truly clicked with me and I cannot figure out why. All of the ingredients for a traditional prog metal gem are there, but they just don’t mix well for me at times. However, I cannot deny the chops or the intricate musicianship that is a step above the norm. I’d feel guilty as hell if I left them off the list.

41. Devin Towsend- Deconstruction/Ghost: I’m cheating and counting this as one double album. The demented chaos meets the serene new age Yanni is a classic Devin mindfuck. I don’t pretend to enjoy everything Devin has done, but he is at the top of his game here. Plus, an Ihsahn appearance is an instant win in my book.

40. Theocracy- As the World Bleeds: Pagans, Wizards, and Posers…leave the hall! Matt & Co. have returned with what I consider to be the best Theocracy disc yet. This is pure grandiose power metal with a nod to the glory days of Edguy. The big difference this time around is the inclusion of a new lead guitarist that smokes! I’m glad to see the band embrace the Christian metal scene & see tangible results. Caveat Emptor: Atheists, Satanists, & Manowarists can shut up in advance.

39. Iced Earth- Dystopia: This is my favorite IE disc since SWCTW. Stu does a great job of pulling off the Ripper style and a good job with the Barlow style. I’m hoping Jon unleashes him a bit more next time around and Stu gains a bit more confidence in his lower register. I think we are still waiting for that signature new era tune though.

38. Mystic Prophecy- Ravenlord: I honestly haven’t had a chance to spend as much time with it as I wanted to yet. It would have probably moved up higher if I had. *Heavy* power metal is a dying breed so it’s nice to see the guys continue to carry the flag forward. While Brainstorm have refined their sound and even toned it down a bit, MP have gone the opposite route. “Die Now!!” (hell yes to the official double exclamation marks) is an ass-kicker. I could have lived without the Ozzy cover.

37. Joseph Magazine- Night of the Red Sky: I hate 99.9% of all instrumental discs with a passion that only Yngwie could truly demonstrate. When I come across one that falls in the other .01%, I’m going to tell the world. This has the prerequisite wanking, but damn does this flow so smoothly and warmly that you forget there aren’t any lyrics. Instead of just music, they come off as real songs that simply haven’t had the vocals added yet. That’s my highest compliment. Now, add a vocalist, keep up the quality, and come to Atlanta.

36. Tesseract- One: My foray into the world of djent basically starts and stops with this band. In fact, now that the original vocalist is gone, it may stop with this release. His melodic-side is what took this band to another level in a quickly crowded genre. “Concealing Fate” (all song parts you lazy bastards) should be mandatory listening for all prog fans, djent or not.

35. Borealis-Fall from Grace: I really enjoyed the debut, but the boys from the Great White North took a huge leap with this release. I like to think of this of this as sophisticated power metal. The chops are there, but real emotion is tangible throughout. Matt is one of the most under-rated vocalists in our scene. The song, “Watch the World Collapse” gives me the chills everytime. And yeah, the Evergrey influence tweaks my nads as well.

34. Primordial- Redemption at the Puritan’s Hand: Intensity, they name is Primordial. I don’t feel like headbanging, moshing, or partying when I put this disc on. I want to beat the shit out of some evil oppressor and raise a toast in the pub afterwards. I look forward to meeting Alan next year and hopefully not pissing him off.

33. The Magnificent- The Magnificent: Raise your hand if you feel guilty as hell for loving this. Mikey (He’s Michael in CM, Mikey here) laces up the roller skates, trims the mullet, rolls down the window on the camaro, and cruises the parking lot with this release. His voice is perfect for this kind of syrup & cheese. “She likes my car” is pure lyrical Shakespearean bliss baby. Btw, don’t blink or you will miss some stellar lead work as well.

32. Brainstorm- On the Spur of the Moment: Andy and the gang are back with a welcome return to form after the last few bland releases. With Brainstorm, you know what to expect…it’s just a matter of what level you get it at. I appreciate the piano/key bits here & there this time around to enhance the atmosphere.

31. Serenity- Death & Legacy: Did anyone else notice the bullshit with the video for “The Chevalier” no longer being available on Youtube unless someone illegally uploads it? Hruh? Anyhow, this is the last remaining full blown “symphonic” metal band (unless you count Kamelot) that earns an automatic purchase from me. It just feels classy.

30. Scar Symmetry- The Unseen Empire: The clean/harsh vocal approach is cliché these days, so you better have something to back it up. It’s all about the groove & melody with this kind of metal for me. I dare say they have taken the torch from Soilwork and ran past them.

29. Subsignal- Touchstones: Neo-Prog? Prog Rock? Whatever. It’s warm & fuzzy with my favorite type of guitar tone & leads. It’s not that Riverside type of prog, it’s more in the Yes vibe without the keyboard pomp. I will add they have the best vocal harmonies on any release this year.

28. Voodoo Circle- Broken Heart Syndrome: Whitesnake meets Shredsnake. ‘Nuff said.

27. Pagan’s Mind- Heavenly Ecstasy: I think everyone knows exactly what to expect by now with the lads. However, the guys threw a monkey wrench in the plans and toned down the prog for the sake of the melody. Its brilliant stuff and they deserve every accolade they get. So why does it rank lower than expected for me this time around? It’s because I want the guys to challenge me a bit more instead of allowing me to relax. If there ever was one band that was ready to tackle a 20 minute song, they are it.

26. Wolverine- Communication Lost: It feels like I was just put in a nursing home when I listen to them. For fuck’s sake, did any of them have a happy childhood? This disc is cold, depressing, bleak, and meanders a lot. It’s the exact opposite of where I am in life so I simply don’t connect with it like others do. However, I do recognize the amazing vocal work and musicianship on display. I want to love this more than I do.

25. Myrath- Tales of the Sand: First disc = SX worship. Second disc =the vocals bothered me so much that I never gave it a chance. New disc = oh yeah. They have fully embraced their cultural roots ala Orphaned Land and are now a prog metal band that deserves to be noticed. The vocalist has improved a million times over the last one and it helps that his tone/inflection matches the style of music being played now. The “single” choice was a winner as well.

24. Appearance of Nothing- All Gods Are Gone: It is indeed possible for traditional prog metal to be heavy and aggressive without veering off into cliché land. I do miss the mega-harmonies of the first disc on occasion, but the crunch more than makes up for it. Give it up for the great keyboard work as well.

23. Jolly-The Audio Guide to Happiness (Part I): The rise of young U.S prog scene continues! Quirky metal meets alternative rock meets prog rock? Whatever. I like it. I have to admit to chuckling at the video though. Between the Harry Carey shades & the heavy guyliner, I was ready to give “Tickle-Me Emo” a hug.

22. Hangar- Acoustic But Plugged In!: If you don’t like acoustic music, then suck it and move on to the next on the list. If you do, then this is essential. Yes, they cheat here & there, but the vibe is what matters. If you enjoyed Gotthard’s “D-Frosted,” this is for you. I’m also going to scream from the mountain that they hang on to the new vocalist. His bluesy style is fantastic. Plus, he plays the sissy drum and that is always pure bliss.

21. Toby Hitchcock- Mercury’s Down: Who? Us wussy rock aficionados know him as the front man from Pride of Lions. To those still wondering (most of ya I reckon), just know that he has one of the smoothest voices on the planet. This is my WET album for 2011. It’s AoR perfection.

20. Hell- Human Remains: If cheesy as hell (ha!) satanic imagery mixed with geezers rocking out in mascara & Depends aren’t your thing, move along…nothing to see here. If you can get past all that, then you will enjoy the hell (ha again!) out of the old-school NWOBHM style that most new “retro” bands cannot seem to get right.

19. Lost in Thought- Opus Arise: The reaction to this disc perplexed me quite a bit as it was polarizing. There seemed to be a backlash from traditionalist against those of us enjoying this and I never understood why. Those crusty whiners can kiss my ass as they hate 4 out of 5 releases anyway. Outstanding vocals and some warm, melodic prog metal equal a recipe for success in my book.

18. Circle of Silence- The Blackened Halo: This one wins the “Under the Radar” award for the year. It came and went through this forum so fast that if you blinked, you missed it. There aren’t too many new *heavy* power metal bands around, so the Brainstorm/Tad Morose fans need to pay attention. Please also note the irony of a power metal band promoting the fuck out of Dream Theater. I hope Roadrunner threw them a few bones for all the free advertisement.

17. Amaranthe- Amaranthe: Call it pop metal or whatever. The bottom line is that it’s catchy as hell. They aren’t exactly The Eagles with the multi-vocal approach, but it works for me and generally anyone else that I introduce them to not named Claus. Plus, Elize is hot (and yes..if the wife gets to say Tommy from SW is hot on here, then quid pro quo baby).

16. Within Temptation- The Unforgiving: Call it pop metal or whatever. The bottom line is that it’s catchy as hell. They still suck for never giving me the time of day and thus get no real thoughts, just acknowledgement.

15. Sons of Seasons- Magnisphyricon: Raise your hand if you think the title would be a fantastic black metal band logo that you couldn’t read or pronounce if your life fucking depended on it. Otherwise, *this* is one of the few albums that fits perfectly in the prog/power hybrid genre. Take the epic smoothness of Kamelot (yes..there are some big time similarities for obvious reasons) and add in some punchy keyboards and kick-ass manly vocals and you get a great album that deserves a bigger reception.

14. Anubis Gate-Anubis Gate: I have always liked Anubis Gates regardless of who was on vocal. Now is no exception. However, I would have never guessed that I like this release *that* more than the previous one. You know what the sign of a great album is for me? It’s my inability to pick out just one thing that stands out above the rest in what I enjoy about a disc. Welcome to the elite fellas.

13. Royal Hunt-Show Me How to Live: Hello 1997! DC has returned to the fold and Royal Hunt has never sounded better as a result. They take the “Paradox” formula and further refine it with the later day backing female vocals. The resulting duets on a track like “Hard Rain’s Coming” is absolutely fantastic. Honestly, I haven’t concentrated as much on the music as I probably should have. That’s because DC won’t let me. He remains a member of the vocal god pantheon.

No You Tube Link….Yet.

12. Voyager-The Meaning of I: Somebody needs to clue the Aussies in that prog metal is not suppose to be fun. Music is SERIOUS business damn it. No more infectious grooves or bouncing melodies you assholes. Leave the Depeche Mode vocals back in the 80’s as well you keytar-toting dick. How dare you make me tap my toes & smile while listening to metal? The next thing you know you will have me actually singing along during the choruses. You and the kangaroos can fuck off.

11. Dream Theater-A Dramatic Turn of Events:

I haven’t enjoyed a DT disc this much since SFAM. I was just as excited as every other nerd when I heard the single and thought “They’re back!” While not all the way to those lofty standards, this is the DT that I love in which the emphasis is more on the song than the musical masturbation. Heaven help us if they actually win the Grammy.


10. Amorphis-The Beginning of Times: One of the very few bands that I would not mind if they just released the same album over and over (sort of what they are doing..). Those that miss the “old” Amorphis just need to shut up and upgrade their 8 track player.

9. Redemption-This Mortal Coil: No fluffy bullshit prog here. This is their balls out most rewarding disc yet. Nick has cemented his status as the best lyricist in metal. Period. Ray has to get his sheets to learn and just shake his head with an “ah shit.” As for those that are having a St. Anger spasm over the production, tweak the nobs and be thankful for what you do have instead of what you don’t.

8. Powerwolf- Blood of the Saints: Satanic Sabaton! While Hell thinks their Satanic shit don’t stink, the Wolves sit back and have fun with it. This is gloriously cheesy power metal with riffs galore and a bombastic sound. The vocals are also like love them or Claus them. Grab a goat, a beer, and relax.

7. Haken-Visions: The best of the traditional prog releases this year. The musicianship on this thing is just off the charts. They lose quite a bit of the quirk from the debut, but more than make up for it with the sheer epic vibe of it, especially the 20+ minute track. I can just imagine Petruci & company hearing this the first time and throw their gear down, shake their heads, and walk off muttering, “If only Portnoy hadn’t fucked us for so long we would be doing that by now.”

6. Leprous- Bilateral: Quick! Name another band that sounds like Leprous. That’s right. This is the highest ranking disc that wasn’t an immediate kick in the ass. I liked it, but I was a bit bewildered by some of the tracks in a good way. It’s eclectic prog, but not so far out there that I need a calculator or thesaurus to understand it. It really began to really click after I put the headphones on. After watching them back Ihsahn this year, I appreciated the work on this even more.

5. Inmoria- A Farewell to Nothing: The Diary Part I: This is the kind of music that smacks me in the mouth and makes me beg for more. It’s CRUNCHY , aggressive, sprinkled with keys, and as close to Angel Dust as we are ever going to get. Nobody plays this kind of shit anymore and the world is a sorry-assed place as a result. I miss Charles just like everyone else, but the new vocalist works just fine for me. This is my headbanging bliss for the year.

4. Pain- You Only Live Twice: I love music that flirts with an industrial sound without going over the top. I love music that makes me want to shake my drunken ass around the fire at the cabin with ChickenKiller. Thus, this disc is magical. They also wrote the unquestionably best riff of the year (Dirty Woman). If you wrote this disc off as an AC/DC clone based on just the video, you screwed up.


3. Symphony X-Iconclast: Angry Russ and company return with a vengeance. Yes, they continue to lose more and more of the progressive vibe that made them heroes to so many during the early days. However, they are still in class to themselves in their heavier, power –oriented style. The title track & “When All is Lost” are enough to put this over the top by themselves alone. For the record, I am word & pitch perfect in the car on the intro part of When All is Lost.”

2. Evergrey-Glorious Collisions: I spent more time with this disc than any other release this year. In fact, I wrote a ten million word review about it ( ). So why is it not #1? It’s because I want it heavier and that just me being a bitch.

1. Nightwish-Imaginarium: Too soon? Bullshit. The orchestral & symphonic songwriting is so over the top & genius that I don’t even focus on the “metal” (using the term loosely) aspect. I am amazed at the creativity involved in the ability to go from a slow jazz club number to a Scottish jig to an Arabic tale without missing a beat and losing the gorgeous melodies. The timid Annette is gone and has been replaced by a restrained siren of pop elegance. Just check out the nuances of her voice during “Slow,Love,Slow” to see how much she has grown. Even the 5+ minutes of poetry that I don’t give a shit about towards the end is not enough to put a dent in the armor.

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As always, great reading..... And at some point when I can spare some time I'll pick through the videos from the dozen or so bands I'm not already familiar with.

And yes.... Picking a 2012 release as your album of the year IS cheating. :mad:
Excellent recap. Don't agree with everything, but some of your "reviews" are spot on. I don't know how any fan of progressive/melodic music can say that Lost in Thought blows.

Not asking for a reason...just surprised that the new Eldritch album wasn't on the list. It's definitely up there with El Nino and Headquake for me....dare I say maybe even better.

That said I have about a half dozen albums I need to check out....
Are you a fan of Pain's back catalog as well? Peter has a history of writing the most consistently "bob-your-head" catchy songs of any band I can think of.
As always, one of the posts that I most look forward to seeing every year, simply because it's such a fun read every single time.

That said (and not that you owe anyone explanation about anything), you're two years behind with the How it Happened. Slacker...
17. Amaranthe- Amaranthe: Call it pop metal or whatever. The bottom line is that it’s catchy as hell.

I totally call it pop metal. And I still freaking love it.

I'm reminded of some of the music out of the 80's that I loved as a kid. Except this has a slightly harder edge. There are times when the album seems a bit too processed, though. But overall, I really enjoy this album a lot. :)
Personally with Myrath, I'd probably say go back and listen to the previous album again. While I didn't like the lead singer initially, he grew on me over time and I really like a lot of the songs on it, in particular "Madness". I just got the new one in my shippment from Laser's Edge yesterday, so I don't have an opinion yet on it.

The new Symphony X is miles better than the last album, tho I still want to hear more melodic Russ rather that all aggro Russ all the time.
Thanks for the nice long list. I have about 20 discs to pick up the next few months. New Haken = Music Perfection!!!!!!
Always love your lists Glenn. I have a BUNCH of discs I need to get now after listening to those YouTube clips.
Definitely heard some new things off this list. Appreciated. Doesn't look like our top 10 list varies much. 2011 has been a weird year for me music wise, but this reminds me how much quality did come out.
As I remarked over on PMX, I *love* Communication Lost - and I would not call myself a fan of Wolverine before this. Cold Light of Monday bored me senseless and Still was ...okay. Not bad, just okay. I've been playing the shit out of CL though - it really appeals to my love of moody, miserable Scandinavian metal with clear, heart-rending vocals. If you like Remedy Lane, you'll probably like this.

I agree on the Amorphis too - they can just keep remaking the same album with slight differences and I'm totally okay with that. I don't like this one quite as much as Skyforger or Silent Waters, but "Reformation" went straight onto my ipod after the first listen.
To be honest, not a single selection on your list surprises me, great list, just means I have to get a few of the ones you listed and give them a listen, especially PAIN.