Almost Time For The Quaterly Bulk Order!!


Oct 17, 2009
The work bonus is paid out next Wednesday, Ken! Any chance we might see a re-stock of Airbag Identity?
I've been waiting verrrrrrrry patiently.:saint:
Yeah, I should've snagged it when Ken had it a while ago. Not the first one I've let slip by. :cry:
Airbag, Is one of my best picks Last year along with the new Voyager..:kickass: ""Appearence of Nothing" Has a Bit of a ""Voyager "" to it...:headbang:
Speaking of 'picks from last year'. I had already posted mine over in the proper thread, but after having given the Lalle Larsson disc, Weaveworld a few spins this week, it definitely makes the list. What an extraordinary keyboardist. Great instrumental progressive rock! :headbang: