Aloha from Kandahar Airfield, Afghanistan....

Aloha there Metal heads!!!!

My base is in Ft. Drum,NY....from WA state...
Here with the Army in the southern province of Kandahar, for Operation Enduring Freedom and been here awhile....Just got the new NEVERMORE, ARCH ENEMY, some old CROWBAR( Broken Glass), from Century Media Records over in this hell hole...:hotjump:

Last show I saw was the METAL GODS tour in NYC in May 2003...

Love this site!!!! Keep on rawkin'!!!!

Hello once again!!!!! Sorry been so late but been working here in the mountains and deserts of Afghanistan, and finally going home in a few days!!! Pretty excited bout that. And going to see the Brave Words show in Cleveland on 5 June when I return to the States.... :headbang: Mostly want to see the bands Primal Fear and Doro there....

Hope everyone has a great time at the show!!!!!!! I'll be the one wearing the METAL GODS Tour shirt 2003 from NYC w/ Halford/ Testament/ Immortal/ Primal Fear/ Carnal Forge/ Painmuseum....on the say hello to me! Yay! :loco: :wave:
666eagle1 said:
Hello once again!!!!! Sorry been so late but been working here in the mountains and deserts of Afghanistan, and finally going home in a few days!!! Pretty excited bout that. And going to see the Brave Words show in Cleveland on 5 June when I return to the States.... :headbang: Mostly want to see the bands Primal Fear and Doro there....

Hope everyone has a great time at the show!!!!!!! I'll be the one wearing the METAL GODS Tour shirt 2003 from NYC w/ Halford/ Testament/ Immortal/ Primal Fear/ Carnal Forge/ Painmuseum....on the say hello to me! Yay! :loco: :wave:

Damn, I would love to see Doro, or warlock! I'll be seeing Judas Priest this summer, waited years for it! Testament is a great live band, Great taste in music by the way!!! Welcome back and thanks for all that you've done over there!