Ya gotta love W.

The Kyoto protocol is pretty shitty, though. I'm by no means saying what Bush has done is right, but the Kyoto agreement goes nowhere near as far as it should:

Some current estimates indicate that even if successfully and completely implemented, the Kyoto Protocol is predicted to reduce the average global rise in temperature by somewhere between 0.02°C and 0.28°C by the year 2050 (source: Nature, October 2003), compared to the increase of 1.4°C to 5.8°C between 1990 and 2100 predicted by the IPCC.
I need to find a link, but Rush Limbaugh was recently laughing at a study that determined the reduction in pollution over the last so many years may be causing global warming........ because there are not as many particles to refract the suns rays. :Spin:

I'm all for not littering, cutting emissions & pollutants, etc.... within reason. Screwing the economy is not a good reason. .....and, it seems for every study done, there is a study that completely contradicts it. Ya just don't always hear about it.
The fact is, the Kyoto protocol is STEP ONE. The entire Global Emissions Reduction plan is a multi-step program spanning many years. No one should be claiming this is a quick one-time fix for the Enviorment. BTW recent figures show the Kyoto protocol would have little to no economic impact upon the U.S.

As for China not being included, yes your right. However, China voluntarily already agreed to the measures, and has been doing far more for climate control over the past decade than the U.S. has.
They might as well shape the freedom tower like a big middle finger. Either that, or paint a bullseye on all sides of the building. I wouldn't work in it, and I'm betting rent will be lower and salries will be higher for all who occupy it.

I think the idea of building it 1776 feet high is the dumbest thing ever, but I don't view the design for the tower as an insult to the 9/11 victims as many New Yorkers do...my only real stance on the issue is just start building on the site again.
En Vind Av Sorg said:
China voluntarily already agreed to the measures, and has been doing far more for climate control over the past decade than the U.S. has.

Yes, good point.

Regarding the new tower, I still think I like Donald Trump's suggestion is the best. Just build the same damn towers, give Manhattan it's skyline again, but make each tower one storey higher. I like it.

Oh and for defence, put laser guided missile launchers on the roofs, and a pool full of mutated sea bass with friggin' laser beams on their heads.
lizard said:
anyone who gets their "facts" from Rush Limbaugh is operating from a deficit from the get go. check out http://www.mediamatters.org for a constant evaluation of his distortions and outright lies.

Are you kidding me??? I looked at your site..... it's a left-wing Anti-conservative site. Look at the people & their background under the "About" section. Of course these people will try to rip Rush apart..... because he exposes liberals & the liberal media like no one else.

That's like saying MoveOn.org says Rush is a liar, so it must be true. ;)
Whoa, people still defend that hypocritical oaf Rush Limbaugh? Awesome!

I wish the media still was liberal, instead we're stuck with Faux News and all the other outlets trying to be just like them, and why brainwashed high school kids think it's a GOOD THING for media stories to be cleared by the government BEFORE being aired. Which reminds me, I watched that stupid channel for the first time in 6 months today, which was also the first time I've seen the wonderful Terror Warning displayed in the same amount of time. They don't fearmonger or anything though.
Hannity and Rush are teh coolest!!!1!111

seriously though, I have to listen to Rush and Hannity at work because theres nothing but dumbshit christian/conservatives and its just sad how stupid they are. Hannity and Rush seem to want America to be the Empire from Starwars.
Krigloch the Furious said:
Hannity and Rush are teh coolest!!!1!111

seriously though, I have to listen to Rush and Hannity at work because theres nothing but dumbshit christian/conservatives and its just sad how stupid they are. Hannity and Rush seem to want America to be the Empire from Starwars.

What?? You mean you don't tune-in by choice?? :Spin:
at any rate, I prefer to read information from a variety of sources and make up my mind the old fashioned way. I don't need to listen to a proven hillbilly heroin junkie and some guy with sprayed on hair to tell me what to believe in :)

and as for Bill "yeah baby, I wanna rub your hoo-hah with this falafel" O'Reilly, don't get me started.