What's an Iraqi supposed to do with $30m?


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
So this guy who led the yanks to Uday and Qusay will be rewarded with $30m. So let's see, $30m in Iraq is like $3bn in the USA...

Can he put it in an Iraqi bank without it being embezzled?
Was part of the deal getting instant citizenship of the US?
Won't people be after his head for betraying his country?
Will he even see the $30m?
If he gets killed, who's gonna kill him? A patriot of Iraq or someone trying to get out of having to pay a reward?
If he gets killed, will the world ever even know?

Something funny that I heard is that they found cash with the bodies... and lots of it.... enough so that Uday and Qusay can basically pay the reward for their own deaths! :loco:
Yes I've heard the same and there is even change left over. :P The states must be happy about that one.

If I was that guy I wouldn't be living there no more, just in case. Jaykeeley has brought up many interesting senerio's.
If you're in a corrupt country, you can kiss the $30m goodbye. The neighbours and family would kill you for it - the cops would be in on the scam - the bank manager would run off to the Cayman Islands...there's just no way you could live a Hollywood lifestyle in Iraq.

If the guy is still alive and in on the deal, he should have asked for US citizenship and a ranch in Montana.
Wouldn't surprise me if it didn't last 10 minutes in the bank. Do they even have police in that country yet to stop them getting raided?
Uday drinks MGD and ogles pictures of Bushy's daughters. Well, he used to.

Unless that money was deposited into an offshore account by the US government, the dude is dead. He may be dead regardless, some people don't take too kindly to snitches.
NAD said:
Unless that money was deposited into an offshore account by the US government, the dude is dead. He may be dead regardless, some people don't take too kindly to snitches.

Yeah he's dead meat one way or the other. Probably end up in the same way that British weapons inspector ended up in the middle of the woods...
And do you think we'll ever actually hear about this informant ever again? He could well be dead already and the US government has their $30m back already :o