Alone In The Dark


TL Reg
Mar 1, 2002
Nashville, TN
I was just listening to Alone In The Dark and had a couple of questions.

I've never understood this particular line. What does it mean?

The hissing of the cobras tongue
Sound and feel of ripping flesh
Fall two thousand feet from the sky.

Second question: Who are Faustus and Asteroth? Asteroth is the Grand Duke Of Hell I gather, but again, what does that mean?
To answer your questions, that I found very interesting, I called Steve "zetro" Souza who wrote the lyric's. Question #1: The 3 three lines you quote, are things that happen to you in a nightmare or bad dream, fear of snakes, being tortured, and falling from cliffs or high places. It's a collection of these feelings that scare you.

Question #2: Faustus was a great evil wizard that conjured the dead up to do his evil bidding. He gathered legions of the dead.
And yes asteroth was "the The Grand Duke", of hell.

And yes Zetro did read alot of H.P. Lovecraft, Clive Barker,S. King,
& other horror authors, and a series called "TheEnchanted World",
Steve also is a big movie buff, & loves Horror & Fantasy movies.
This also influnenced his writing on The Legacy album. That album has the some of the best evil lyrics, I've ever heard, period.

Good question's!...................................................:)