Already It Begins


Three Star General
Jul 26, 2002
indieradioisdead: ...
seipptastic: yeah yeah
indieradioisdead: yeah yeah yeah
seipptastic: sha na na
seipptastic: welp, only 7 hours to go
indieradioisdead: SWEETNESS
indieradioisdead: "welp" is a great word
indieradioisdead: mmm... you know what else is a great word?
seipptastic: galvanize
indieradioisdead: that too is a great word... but not what i was thinking about
seipptastic: oooh
seipptastic: fuglehorn
indieradioisdead: ...again... great word, but not what i was thinking about
seipptastic: ok
seipptastic: what'sa great word
indieradioisdead: wha... oh, i forget
seipptastic: OH MY GOD
seipptastic: COME ON

Amanda do you see what you are missing here?
we should get paid for this

indieradioisdead: everyone always gangs up on me
indieradioisdead: ...why is that?
seipptastic: hehehe
seipptastic: becuase you present such an alluring target
indieradioisdead: really... do i give off that vibe?
seipptastic: um
seipptastic: nooooo
indieradioisdead: crap
indieradioisdead: what is it going to take for me to be cool?
seipptastic: ummmmmmmm
seipptastic: cash
seipptastic: lots of cash
indieradioisdead: to who though?
seipptastic: me
indieradioisdead: ok... then what happens?
seipptastic: then you will be cool!
indieradioisdead: it seems to easy... what is the catch?
seipptastic: there is no catch!!
seipptastic: that's the beauty of my patented system!
indieradioisdead: well great... where do i sign up?
seipptastic: just send an email to
indieradioisdead: great... and where do i send the money?
seipptastic: well they will email you back
indieradioisdead: and how much do i send?
seipptastic: with the address and specifics
seipptastic: um
seipptastic: what's your yearly salary?
indieradioisdead: mmm, i don't want to say... i think you are scaming me
seipptastic: no way dude!
seipptastic: my system is PATENTED!!!
indieradioisdead: oh
indieradioisdead: in that case...
indieradioisdead: 35,000
seipptastic: so send $5,000 for the starter kit
indieradioisdead: ok
indieradioisdead: man... this sounds great
indieradioisdead: i can't wait
indieradioisdead: what is in the starter kit
seipptastic: a half hour video and full color pamphlet
seipptastic: and a keychain/flashlight
i'm really not into AIM logs, i just save snippets of stuff, and lo and behold -- i forever hold this as a compare and contrast between pre-internet swearing off josh and post "i'm here even though i could quit again at any given moment" neo-seipp... this is mos def pre-bye bye, probably circa late october 2002:

i love the enthusiasm. i have bold-ed particular highlights.


GoatHorror: Hi seipptastic, I'm on vacation.
seipptastic: oh ok
GoatHorror: well
seipptastic: oooooooooh
GoatHorror: then it should be next friday
seipptastic: how was VACATION
GoatHorror: no?
seipptastic: oh yeah ok
seipptastic: let's find a good picture
GoatHorror: excellent. i utilized a lot of tilex and it featured a lot of broom usage
GoatHorror: okay
GoatHorror: nomination #1:
GoatHorror: actually no, the case for perversion is very high with that one
GoatHorror: #2:
seipptastic: WHOAH
seipptastic: WEBP... Checkland saying sthg terribly important.jpg
seipptastic: too small but
GoatHorror: oh my
GoatHorror: that one rules; i'm tempted to vote yes despite it
seipptastic: we can use a few!
seipptastic: lets think outside the box
GoatHorror: yes. but that is a definite
seipptastic: marching.jpg
GoatHorror: bwahahaha
GoatHorror: we should make an announcement next thursday
GoatHorror: just so the cheaters (re: name censored to protect the guilty party) do not spend a copious amount of time working on these in advance
seipptastic: ooh yeah good call
seipptastic: why don't we each come up with a couple independantly
seipptastic: then there will be the element of surprise
GoatHorror: yeah, i'm looking right now
GoatHorror: yes sir!
GoatHorror: good idea

