Alright, Check out my band's song

Silver Incubus

Dead Hands Justin
May 20, 2002
(Near) London, Ontario, Canada
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Thanks to delt for allowing me to use his server.

The first thing that i want to comment about this is that it was one of the first songs I wrote for my band so it's not the level of talent I am at now, but it rocks regardless. I did the drums with Leafdrums and used n track to put it all together. I played both guitars and I also do the vocals. Just keep in mind that I play lead and do the vocals so that is why there isn't any crazy leads. Also, the solo is a bit crackly becuase it was cutting off because I pushed it louder so you could hear it easier.
Oh and I also used my Ibanez RG270 with emg 85 through a Marshall Valvestate 2000 AVT50
Tell me what you think

its Lucid Flame - The Serpentine Circle
Doesn't sound very original, it just sounds like a box standard Metal song, it sounds like one i've heard about a million times. It reminds me of Judas Priest but with Death growls.

You just need to work on your ideas.
Well, it was one of the first songs that I had made, and its very influenced by At the Gates and In Flames, because that is what I was listening to at the time. Now my stuff is really progressive and is more like bodom then melodic death. I mean i have one song that is 12 minutes long in an opeth like style, this is just one that I could do easily because it was that easy to do.

Its one of those songs you play live to get the crowd going.
Awright... I think it was pretty nice song.. Sounds a lot like In Flames.. Drums were ok, i liked em.. Guitars.. a pretty usual sound.. remainds a lot older in flames.. that solo could be a lil better, i mean the sound of it.. Could be a bit different of that normal guitar. maybe a lil more treble and cut that mid.. but it's just my opinion..and maybe it could be a lil more complicated, but it's ok this way anyways. I kinda liked your singing voice.. it was a LOT like in flames (older one), nice.. It was a nice song.. it will stay in my playlist. Maybe you should do a bit more aggressive and fast song next.. you know.. Fast, melodic and furious.. with your voice, it would kick some ass. Keep up good work.