Hi everyone, just a quick intro and then straight to the point.
A few months ago, I created a site alteredchords.com in support of the music I love. I thought I could manage the site on my own with a few buddies who I worked with in the past but alas, that is not to be. I am still very much devoted to it and really would like your help on this.
A couple of things that came to mind:
Idea #1 -This dreaded thought was that I would scrape the whole thing and shut the site down.
Idea #2 - A possible merge with another on-line metal site where I would offer my bandwidth and skills and partner with someone.
Idea #3 was to try and see if anyone might have some interest in contributing to my site.
My background:
I have done various interviews, concert and albums reviews (even moonlight as a photographer when I can) in the past working for a now defunct magazine "PROGnosis"' as well as some freelancing. I have the background, I am slowly building up my contacts and I am also a DJ for Seismic Radio (a great way to promote new bands and music besides interacting with the crowd).
So after careful thought of my ideas, I decided to do the following:
1. I am web developer by trade so I will offer my services and my website in a possible merger with someone. I will also offer my time and effort in to writing album/concert reviews, concert photos and interviews. This option is open for discussion and if you have a site with good contacts and a steady flow of users I think it would work out.
2.I continue running alteredchords.com and recruit contributors who can help out with the monthly album/concert reviews and interviews. All credit is yours with any minor editing being done by others or myself. It's a good way to expose your writing talents and get the point across on some up and coming music and bands. I will take care of all the posting and changes to the site unless of course you want to lend your talents there as well.
I will also provide you or help you with setting up your contacts.
This must sound like a desperate plea of help and in a nutshell it is. I have allocated time to work on the site but due to my current work situation it will suffer a worse fate if I don't make some drastic changes. If anyone is interested or know someone who might be, please let me know. You can email me at warmwetos@cox.net or visit the site and leave me a message.
Thanks again and hopefully something positive will come out of this! Please feel free to post your comments both positive and negative.
Cheers! -Antonio
A few months ago, I created a site alteredchords.com in support of the music I love. I thought I could manage the site on my own with a few buddies who I worked with in the past but alas, that is not to be. I am still very much devoted to it and really would like your help on this.
A couple of things that came to mind:
Idea #1 -This dreaded thought was that I would scrape the whole thing and shut the site down.

Idea #2 - A possible merge with another on-line metal site where I would offer my bandwidth and skills and partner with someone.
Idea #3 was to try and see if anyone might have some interest in contributing to my site.
My background:
I have done various interviews, concert and albums reviews (even moonlight as a photographer when I can) in the past working for a now defunct magazine "PROGnosis"' as well as some freelancing. I have the background, I am slowly building up my contacts and I am also a DJ for Seismic Radio (a great way to promote new bands and music besides interacting with the crowd).
So after careful thought of my ideas, I decided to do the following:
1. I am web developer by trade so I will offer my services and my website in a possible merger with someone. I will also offer my time and effort in to writing album/concert reviews, concert photos and interviews. This option is open for discussion and if you have a site with good contacts and a steady flow of users I think it would work out.
2.I continue running alteredchords.com and recruit contributors who can help out with the monthly album/concert reviews and interviews. All credit is yours with any minor editing being done by others or myself. It's a good way to expose your writing talents and get the point across on some up and coming music and bands. I will take care of all the posting and changes to the site unless of course you want to lend your talents there as well.

This must sound like a desperate plea of help and in a nutshell it is. I have allocated time to work on the site but due to my current work situation it will suffer a worse fate if I don't make some drastic changes. If anyone is interested or know someone who might be, please let me know. You can email me at warmwetos@cox.net or visit the site and leave me a message.
Thanks again and hopefully something positive will come out of this! Please feel free to post your comments both positive and negative.
Cheers! -Antonio