"Alternative digestion"

That's pretty cool :cool:
(finally got around to downloading it......;))

I would comment more, but I got 1/2 way through my 3rd listen and good old Windows Media Player decided to crash. Only way to fix that is a reboot, and I can't be bothered :p
I actually like all stuff u do dag , even though i cant understand the lyrics , can somebody possible give me a overview of min fantasivrld , lyrically theme....i really like that song.
Glad you like it with or without vocals. Someday i ´ll make an English album. "Min fantasivärld" is "My fantasyworld" in English.
The teme is: We all (?) have our fantasyworld: cable, you rule, free Cds ect. But do you really want to live in that world ? And if you came to live in it, what kind of fantasyworld would you dream of then ? It´s also a nod to religion and paradise...i don´t belive in that. The chorus is:
I don´t want to come along
On the journey to my fantasyworld