Alternative rock, SSL used :p

Nuno Filipe

You talkin' to me?
Jul 1, 2009
Hey! I wrote a new song but this time is something different from the usual metal stuff. I have my ears really fatigued because I am with a fucking flu:erk: Yeah my ears become fucked everytime I have a flu:waah:

Here it is the song:

I friend of mine told me that this song would be much better with vocals. If someone would like to do something, just do it;)

Opinions about the mix or about the song are welcome.
Yeah, a voice can change the song, try with vocals.
You have a flu, but it sound good.
What are the drums, sd2?
Eu nem constipado nem bom consigo misturar
Thanks a lot :) The drum is Ezdrummer the kit pop/rock except the overheads that are DKFH. Of coure the kick is 100% replaced and I blended other snares with original snare.

És portugues? Quando vi o teu nick noutro topico fiquei a pensar se serias. Por acaso não estás registado no forumusica com o mesmo nick?
Really liked the song, can't comment on the mix as I also have my closed really bad due a heavy flu
but I assume it's awesome as usuall :D
8505? and what grind on the bass?
sweet mix bro :) the only thing i noticed was that when the distorted guitar kicks in maybe it could sit a bit louder in the mix to bring it "forward". flawless otherwise though man, even though i wouldnt call quieter guitars a flaw...its all to taste.:grin:
Really liked the song, can't comment on the mix as I also have my closed really bad due a heavy flu
but I assume it's awesome as usuall :D
8505? and what grind on the bass?

Thanks a lot dude :) Yeah, when I have a flu my ears become closed too, it really sucks. Always the 8505!lol It´s the 8505 for rhythm guitars, X30 for leads and Lextac for cleans. The bass it´s a Vst :Puke: I already have a real bass but the strings are old so I used the Vst. I am lazy bastard:lol: The bass it´s 2 tracks, one with studio devil for the low end and other with TSS and impulses and then compression and saturation, the usual shit. :)

Sim sou portugues, tambem há um danihel no forumusica, mas nao sou eu , sou o demon hunter nesse forum.

Ah sim, sei quem és já te vi lá na secçao do som. Mas aquele forum é miseravel!lol Aqui aprende-se muito, ha por ai bastantes topicos uteis. Basta usar o search. :)

sweet mix bro :) the only thing i noticed was that when the distorted guitar kicks in maybe it could sit a bit louder in the mix to bring it "forward". flawless otherwise though man, even though i wouldnt call quieter guitars a flaw...its all to taste.:grin:

Thanks a lot for the comment :) You have a good ear dude;) yeah when I finished this I thought that the guitars are a bit lower, but I think that they sit better in the mix this way. It was more an option.

Is it just me or is the first lead guitar a bit off-tune? Good mix though!

Thanks! :) Seriously? I didnt noticed that. I have to hear better.
yeah the first leads
The second leads aren't perfectly in tune either, but better than the first.

Had a bit of a mess around with vocals on top, was pretty fun. Might post something if I have time to record properly
yeah the first leads
The second leads aren't perfectly in tune either, but better than the first.

Had a bit of a mess around with vocals on top, was pretty fun. Might post something if I have time to record properly

I have to record again those leads.

Would be awesome to hear some vocals on this.:rock: Ok, if you find some time, post something. :)