Am I being an asshole?


Nov 30, 2007
Dayton, Ohio
Okay, so I have a friend who booked about 8 hours with me. Those 8 hours are broken up into two days, 3 1/2 today, 4 1/2 tomorrow. Start time was 11:30 this morning... 11:30 comes around and still no sign. I wait until 12:30 and give him a call. he JUST woke up when I called... okayyy. So then he said his guitar is in another place, doesn't have strings, and has work at 4. sooo long story short, he cancels 30 minutes AFTER he is supposed to be at the studio. I feel like I'm not being taken seriously. What do you guys think? Should I give him those 3 1/2 hours back?
Depends on what kind a friend he is. I've had the same with a friend who came recording (at no charge at all) but who came constantly late... like 30 minutes or even almost an hour late. He called me most of the times, but it still sucked to just wait. As he's a real good friend I told him this didn't work for both of us, but I didn't make to much of a deal of it.
Does he pay you for the recordings? In that case, I'd give him the hours back, but make very clear that next time, he can't just call it off on such a short term.

Just my 2 cents ;-)
Personally I'd make him pay for the 3.5 hours of your time that he wasted. If he's a close friend I suppose you could make an exception... but it doesn't sound like he's taking it seriously.
I think you should tell him that of course he is your friend and everything, but unfortunately you will have to count him that 3,5 hours couse obviously you could be earning money elsewhere instead of waiting for his sorry ass. Your time is valuable and don't forget about it. Friendship is one thing, but buisness is buisness.
I'd give him a break if he's a friend but make it very clear that it is uncool. I find that explaining to people how valuable your time is and inconvenienced you were might make them think about screwing you over twice rather than just randomly showing your displeasment.
I vote for punching him in the arm, laughing and then bust out the ever-classic "Where's my money, man?".
You should also let him know that the next time it happens, you'll stab him in the face with a soldering iron.
Just a suggestion.
Pull a knife out and start telling him over and over how this it "your favourite knife", wave it in his general direction whilst doing so.
Clients not showing up is just part of the studio business. I waited 15 minutes for a guy tonight, then went home. Fucking rappers never show up on time if at all.
Make me wait once, they prepay the next time.
If it is a BEST friend or a long-time client I would cut a break, but an acquaintance or a project I'm not really into, probably not. Does he give you the vibe that he not serious about the recording?
Given the lack of notice and condition of the instrument that he only told you about after YOU called HIM, I would cut your losses with the 3.5 hours wasted but tell him to find somewhere else to do the project.

Those sort of people are not friends IMO, though maybe I'm just feeling jaded after it happened to me within my own band :lol:
Does he give you the vibe that he not serious about the recording?

that's what i would take away from the fact that the guy couldn't get up on time, have his guitar with him, or have it strung up and ready to go...
Do his song, and finish the mix. Then when he's like "Killer dude, can I get a CD" be like , "Call me in 3 and a 1/2 hrs.