Am I being an asshole?

He sounds like an asshole, if he is a close friend, then give him the 3 hours back, but if he isn't a friend, and is just some motherfucker punking you around, wasing you fucking time, tell him to fuck off! Don't take no shit dude, the less shit you put up with the more serious musicians you will have coming to you, ones who won't come 3 fucking hours late.
Friends stop being friends when they "hire" you for services. Treat him like you would any customer since his actions could have (while they may not have it does not matter) impacted other work you had going. Just like the old warnings about lending family money always ending in heartache; treating clients as friends will probably end up with one of you getting screwed over. Business is business, friendship is friendship - two very different things.
Friends stop being friends when they "hire" you for services. Treat him like you would any customer since his actions could have (while they may not have it does not matter) impacted other work you had going. Just like the old warnings about lending family money always ending in heartache; treating clients as friends will probably end up with one of you getting screwed over. Business is business, friendship is friendship - two very different things.

Friends stop being friends when they "hire" you for services. Treat him like you would any customer since his actions could have (while they may not have it does not matter) impacted other work you had going. Just like the old warnings about lending family money always ending in heartache; treating clients as friends will probably end up with one of you getting screwed over. Business is business, friendship is friendship - two very different things.

Exactly. I told him I would overlook at 3 1/2 hours, but made it very clear that I will not be fucked with. I told him that we ARE friends, but this is business... it doesn't transfer over to the work. He told me he guessed he wasn't looking at it from a businessy standpoint, but more as a'hEy BrO U WaNNuhTRakDuh jAmz n Bro OUt?" type deal. I told him that THIS is how I make a good portion of my money and, well, time is money. In the end he complete apologized and actually showed up early today, with thiss...

Completely set up with fresh strings! Sounds like pure sex. All in all, I'm glad everything got worked out, but I probably wont be mixing business and friendships for a while. It's alot easier to be stern with people who you haven't known since you were like 10.

Thanks so much for your help dudes! only if I could get this many reponses to mixes I do. LOL
I just lost some friends/clients over the same type of issue. dont sweat it. if they are trying to take advantage of the fact that you are their friend to get a deal and screw you around, than they arent good friends. or maybe they are just lazy haha Just let them know straight up how you feel. My friends sometimes think im a prick, cuz im the type of guy that will tell you if your pissing me off haha

your not doing them any favors by letting them slack off in the studio!
being friends should honestly not have anything to do with being a client. if he doesn't show up for an appointment, I'd still charge him. Tell him it's your business, and you keep a tight schedule. believe me, if you let him off the hook (unless he has a very good reason for not showing up), he'll most likely do it again.
it's a freakin business apointment, not just for hanging out. If he were a good friend he wouldn't waste your time like that.
running your recording schedule correctly is not being an asshole, it's being professional.

that being said, same thing happened with a friend of mine and myself. I couldn't make it due to being hungover, and he charged me. I had no problem with that, it was my stupid idea to go drinking before a recording session. If I had something important to do, like a sudden death in the family or whatever, it wouldn't have been a problem, but waking up too late and making an appointment on a day where you don't have enough time is irresponsible and childish. Be polite and nice, yet firm. Let him know you're not bullshitting, that he needs to take his appointments seriously, and charge him.
It was a wasted time and he have to pay your wasted hours. I hate these guys because it seems our work is an hobby and they have all the problems (work, no car, no bike, no time, no organization) so they are justified to be assholes. No!
Some weeks ago the singer should start at 1.30 p.m. and he arrived at 5p.m. .....he was lucky I didn't charge for hour that time, but the justification to the guitarist was (I hadn't the car before now because my parents were at work, they have to work you know?)
It was a wasted time and he have to pay your wasted hours. I hate these guys because it seems our work is an hobby and they have all the problems (work, no car, no bike, no time, no organization) so they are justified to be assholes. No!

SERIOUSLY, i really fucking hate it when i have people, "friends", see my decent gear and they assume that i'm fucking rich and that i should record them for free. FUCK those assholes! and FUCK assholes who are late or who don't answer calls or return calls or complain about their shitty life. fuckers.