Am I Entitled to a counter-suit in this situation?


man who plays drum
Jun 7, 2003
Wallingford, CT
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A special ed studnet in the Lyman Hall (my HS) Marching Band is suing the music department becasue he didnt make drumline.

<I'll Let that sink in.....>

As it turns out - his mother was video taping us (Drumline [im in drumline]) to show that her son should deserve to be in drumline. THe kid was terrible, had no clue what was going on,so hes suing for discrimination

The Fact that I, and the rest of our drumline were filmed without consent, or notification, or any knowledge doesnt sit tight with me.

Am I entitled to a counter - suit?

If so, what would a REASONABLE number be? I was thinking 5-10k (Because I need a new pair of shoes, and a major haul)

And yes... This is for real. The invesitgation is ongoing, whether it makes it to court remains to be seen. but I belive papers havebeen filed.
Well, I belive I will be appearing in any hearings or so, since I AM a key witness, appearing at the drumline tryout that he sucked in, to the multiple practices etc. etc.

Plus, I dont like the fact that Iw as video taped without my knowledge or consent; that doesnt sit well with me.
Well, you guys weren't sticking the drumsticks in any questionable places, right? You were all just playing drums, right?
just get another person who wasnt allowed in who isnt spec. ed. to prove that he wasnt allowed in becuse he, not sure how sturdy this would be
if its just a civil suit ... offer to work with him for his audition next year. there are lots of ppl who video tape my drumline's performances, but they are ppl who appreciate what we do, and we dont really mind that. we have never had anything like your situation happen though. maybe just dont start him out on snare or quads/quints (obviously) and maybe not even bass drum. if he's that determined to be in drumline, get him on cymbals for this year, get him familiarized with the cadences and the whole drumline experience and like i said work with him or have someone else work with him for next year possibly moving up. and i hope the court stuff goes well.
yea, the video will be used as evidence AGAINST us. From what I've gathered, the video is going to be in court, and used AGAINST us because she filmed the FIRST 2 rehearsals... we had just gotten the music.

BUT, Im pretty sure thats illegal, not 100%, i belive I'll be calling a lawyer tomorrow

Sucks considering Drumlines all 15-17, our director is all of 25, and Im talking about calling a lawyer over a lawsuit =(
the video won't prove anything, unless they ask the kid to try and play the stuff in court :D , because that IS the indicator, whether or no he was that bad, or that special.
Pretty sure you have no case....i'm just thinking about the laci peterson case (or maybe some other chick, i really don't know)...the guy who's accused of killing his wife had a girlfriend on the side...and she recorded their conversations which are now being used in court...or have been, i really don't keep up...anyways, if that was legal, then what sped-mom did should be ok too.