"Am I over-compressing???"
I'd think it would be smart to say that if you have to ask that question, then you probably are.
I feel like with my drum mixes in particular, that I think I'm over-compressing. I mainly mix death metal/hardcore/metalcore stuff, or anything in similar genres. I know that loud, in your face drum sounds are the norm here, but I feel like I'm missing something. I'll normally have compression running on individual close mic channels, parallel compression of drum shells, and some drum buss compression.
Here's how it usually goes down with my mixes: On close mic channels (sometimes 100% sample replaced snares and kicks, not so much toms), I'll usually have some fairly quick attack, quick release, 4:1 - 8:1 compression, with anywhere from 5-10db reduction, then I'll usually send those channels to a parallel compression aux, slamming the compressor there, fastest attack, slow release, with absurd db reduction, and blending that into the drum bus, usually pretty high. And on my final drum bus, i'll have some light compression to even out some some miscellaneous transients and to help to glue everything together.
I notice that my drum sounds sometimes lack life and punch and have a hard time cutting through guitars - even when I bring the guitar bus level down pretty low. Could this be because I'm robbing them of any life and space to breathe? I'll try to post a sample soon.
What do you guys normally do when it comes to compressing drums? Parallel only? Bus only? Combinations?
I'd think it would be smart to say that if you have to ask that question, then you probably are.

I feel like with my drum mixes in particular, that I think I'm over-compressing. I mainly mix death metal/hardcore/metalcore stuff, or anything in similar genres. I know that loud, in your face drum sounds are the norm here, but I feel like I'm missing something. I'll normally have compression running on individual close mic channels, parallel compression of drum shells, and some drum buss compression.
Here's how it usually goes down with my mixes: On close mic channels (sometimes 100% sample replaced snares and kicks, not so much toms), I'll usually have some fairly quick attack, quick release, 4:1 - 8:1 compression, with anywhere from 5-10db reduction, then I'll usually send those channels to a parallel compression aux, slamming the compressor there, fastest attack, slow release, with absurd db reduction, and blending that into the drum bus, usually pretty high. And on my final drum bus, i'll have some light compression to even out some some miscellaneous transients and to help to glue everything together.
I notice that my drum sounds sometimes lack life and punch and have a hard time cutting through guitars - even when I bring the guitar bus level down pretty low. Could this be because I'm robbing them of any life and space to breathe? I'll try to post a sample soon.
What do you guys normally do when it comes to compressing drums? Parallel only? Bus only? Combinations?