am i wrong for not wanting to post this on the site?


Overly-Cryptic Jake
we opened up editorials to our writers... wanting it to be about 'anything'

all but one person made it political. this is the one i was going to post on monday. but i'm not. i have issues with it and don't feel comfortable with it on my site.

am i bad?

“I live here, but I don’t really live anywhere”

“Because of Toledo” by The Blue Nile

As a transplanted New Yorker living in Denmark, I’ve slowly come to realize how my own “American-ness” has faded substantially over the past two years of living abroad. It’s not likely that I’ll ever become a Dane, so that leaves me dangling somewhere over the middle of the Atlantic ocean, like a man without a country. It’s not something that worries me terribly or keeps me awake at night, but it is a strange feeling to recognize that what you believed to be a substantial part of your identity is no longer there. Everybody needs to belong to something after all, even if it is a sham.

This lack of American nationalism on my part has its roots in the fact that I am more apt to describe myself as a Northeasterner or New Yorker rather than as an American. Whenever someone asks me where I come from, I instinctively reply, “New York.” New York is where I was born and raised. It’s my state, my home, and always will be, regardless of whether or not I ever return to live there again. This way of thinking is nothing new. Before the Civil War, most people talked of their state as their country. In the aftermath of the Civil War, in order to bring about a national unity between the North and South, this myth of “harmony and union” was forced onto the national psyche.

America has always been a divided land. One look at the Electoral College map from the last Presidential election shows just how polarized it continues to be. There’s that conservative block of Red Republican states in the center of the country, basically running north to south, and the alliance of Blue Democratic states in the Northeast, Upper Midwest and West Coast. Perhaps it’s time now to finally debunk the myth of national unity and just call it a day. The United States of America has ceased to function effectively as a nation. There is a social, cultural and religious gap between the Reds and the Blues that is ever-widening and seemingly unbridgeable, and it’s too late for any form of compromise. Let’s just admit it already; we need two countries.

We had a good run as a nation, but even the Roman and British Empires fell eventually. Don’t be sad about it, let it free you. If you’re a Blue American, think of how nice it will be to have free elections that are actually credible and a separation of Church and State. If you’re of the Red persuasion, you will now be free to ask yourselves, “What would Jesus do?” while wildly flagellating yourselves with the bible. Well, okay, for the Reds it’ll be business as usual. If we just follow my lead, everyone will be happy, and we won’t have to perform this national charade anymore.

The reason why the country should be split in two is in fact quite simple. There is one half of the country (The Reds) that is completely dismissive and disrespectful of the other half (The Blues), and will stop at nothing to impose its warped beliefs on us. As a Blue American and a true Northeastern liberal, I think a gesture as huge as seceding from this unholy union is the only rational response to consider. It’s time to stop pandering to the religious conservatives and shout a collective “FUCK YOU!” to them instead. The Reds would be free to outlaw abortion and print the Ten Commandments on everything from cereal boxes to toilet paper, and we would be free to laugh at them without having to listen to their pathetic whining all the time. Of course, they won’t have any jobs or money for food because their economy would be forever in the crapper, but they can always eat their bibles and use their hatred to keep them warm.

One last thing; since 9/11 happened on New York soil, it’s ours. It never was yours, you Reds, so you can all stop pretending you care about us now. I’ll have to ask you to stop exploiting it and all the families of the victims to justify your dirty politics once our divorce becomes final. Naturally, you’ll be free to invade other countries as usual, but now you can just call it a Holy War!! No more need for those pesky facts or evidence!!

I’m sure Fox “News” Network already has those graphics ready. Maybe Fox could turn the whole divorce process into a brand new reality TV program. Someone get me Rupert Murdoch’s phone number

go ahead and tell me here
it doesn't really fit into what your site is about, so I'd say you aren't wrong. but then again, you did say "anything" so whatevah. the piece started out well, but got a bit too one-sided for me to get behind it.
well, he's ignoring the fact that the popular vote in most states was split fairly evenly (within 20%) so there really aren't blue or red states

but there was a very similar editorial that ran in the baltimore sun

so, I dunno
i'm just so sick of the divisivness. i don't want to be a part of that anymore.

and that's true josh, i mean, there were plenty of counties in iowa that voted for kerry. but yeah, i did say 'anything'... this just seems to far (and almost hateful) for me.
your site, your decision!

i would recommend figuring out exactly what you don't like about it and holding every other editorial to that standard, though, lest you be considered unfair/political yourself.