this is what i am listening to today

yes there is a webcast for AirAmerica. I was wicked dissapointed by Garafolo's show. It's basically the opposite side of the Hannity/O'Reilly/Ingraham coin. I wanted them to be smarter than that and not making fun of the appearance of their political opponents.
yeah, very few of those talk shows that are even close to being politically focused end up being dumbed-down trash talking, and i really can't stand them. glenn beck's show is good, even if i don't always agree with him, but they seem to have pulled it from the st. louis airwaves.
NP: Sufjan Stevens - Extras from the Michigan sessions

I wish there were some way to get better compressed versions of these songs, they're quite spectacular, but since they've only been released in 96kbps on his website, I'll just have to deal with what I've got.