I think this forum is starting to lose its fire


Senior Member
Sep 25, 2003
Hey, come on...what happened to the geeks who get on this forum like three times a day? No one has even posted today...I think we are running out of stuff to talk about. Lets see what could we talk about, we have covered Hygeine, Fast Food, Cooking...what else could we talk about.

Well, I heard the new Angra song and I don't really like it a whole lot, any takers on this subject?

I will post some other ideas when I can't think of something to say.
This place isn't losing it's fire...... it just has a tired Bryant right now. I am not trying to say I am some sort of MVP here, just that I normally post a lot. I have been a little sick (nothing bad, just haven't felt like "myself") and working an incredible amount of hours six and seven days a week. I'll be back to myself quite soon.

Bryant said:
This place isn't losing it's fire...... it just has a tired Bryant right now. I am not trying to say I am some sort of MVP here, just that I normally post a lot. I have been a little sick (nothing bad, just haven't felt like "myself") and working an incredible amount of hours six and seven days a week. I'll be back to myself quite soon.


Oh, that's why, well now that your'e back we can delete this thread.
I have the fire, I have the force...I have the power to make my evil take it's course! :flame:

:loco: (had to do it!)