When do you lose your cool?

^^ and cruellty to animals,I can't watch some of those shows,like Rescue Ink.New people at work who take kindness for weakness and try and test you out.Of course you have to put your foot down and then you feel bad for making them feel bad lol.
When people get there damn facts misconstrued. This particularly happens with most religious people I've dealt with. GOD FORBID you have an intelligent discussion with someone about the merits of an ethical system that doesn't involve God (not to say that God doesn't exist, just that a system can exist independently).

Also, people who refuse to change their positions on anything, especially in light of evidence. I love science, I adore it - but people don't realize that science isn't about proving that YOU are right about what you are talking about. Science is indiscriminate, and merely exists to point us in a non fallacious direction. So when someone holds a belief that is backed up by information that is totally false and refuses to relinquish that stance for whatever reason.... that infuriates me. There is nothing wrong with being wrong, we are all wrong at some point!

Also, when it comes to physical abuse... be it man, woman or tiny animals, I want to rip the throat out of the perpetrator with my fucking teeth as I bury my knuckles into their kidneys, ribs and eyes. I have no remorse for people who commit such crimes.
ok, the next step is take a machine gun and... well, it's not new, if you wanna know.

I don't think I'll ever go on a high school massacre, mainly because my video game and music collection would probably get the blame for it. Guns are illegal here anyway so I think it would be pretty hard to come by one.
abuse against women, kids and animals

and when people incorrectly correct other peoples' grammar. I was at work the other day, and one of my bosses told my co-worker to take out these commas that were grammatically correct. Ooo I was seething.

edit: and I'm being serious. I was really pissed
Ignorant driving. People who spout opinions without anything substantial to go along with it.

@ Obama comparisons: Just compare him to GWBush. That would be the most accurate comparison.

I agree with both of these. I am far too susceptible to road rage.
And yes, American presidents are all cogs in the same machine.
I also can't stand otherwise intelligent people who don't get analogies and metaphors, as I use those very often when I'm trying to describe complex ideas.
People who talk or text during a movie. It is so amazingly disrespectful to everyone else in the theater. I don't know how people go through life being that selfish and uncaring about other people.

Violence against women. Thankfully I've never had to deal with this personally but hearing statistics about rape and other violence against women really upsets me.

People who have no understanding of history trying to refer to it. This has appeared a lot recently with the hysterics of the tea party movement. Obviously calling a Obama a socialist is absurd but the worst I've remember hearing is when someone referred to Henry Ford being a good American who fought against that communist Hitler. Just so many things wrong with that statement.

I agree with all of this.
When I went to my road trip last month,I stop at a small Georgia gas station to piss.When I went to the bathroom there was this writing that says "kill n***ers and j**s.I can't believe a person in a gas station would let that get away.
When I'm with a girl I like physically and she's fucking boring. I lose my cool and have to have a cig, beer and listen to some complex old school death-metal to regain it.
Obviously calling a Obama a socialist is absurd but the worst I've remember hearing is when someone referred to Henry Ford being a good American who fought against that communist Hitler. Just so many things wrong with that statement.

Fucking A that's ignorant. That's even below Sean Hannity, and that guy's understanding of history and politics is basically non-existent. Where the hell did you hear that?
People who have no understanding of history trying to refer to it.

YES. People are so ignorant and retarded, and have no idea why the world is how it is, and the ways they try to make sense of it deeply piss me off.

For example, a sophomore Philosophy major took one class in ancient philosophy and had the nerve to write an op-ed for my school paper basically saying that we should "go back" to pure Greek democracy. I wanted to punch him in the face, but instead I wrote a counter article for the next issue, giving all the historical and present reasons why his argument was naive and idealistic. READ THUCYDIDES, PEOPLE.

A lot of people seem naive in general when it comes to looking backwards. I've realized that no matter what annoys me about the times I live in, I still live in the best possible period of time a person can live in. The whole fucking aura surrounding black metal is based on some romanticized view of how much better life supposedly was 2000 years ago. Wake up and smell the convenience of dental insurance you childish idiots!
I actually brought this up to some conservative friends when they started bashing France yesterday. They're so proud of the Founding Fathers and I basically outlined the reasons why those men would be nowhere without France's Enlightenment philosophers. They couldn't come up with a valid argument against it, and basically told stupid jokes for a few minutes after.

You know, this is quickly turning into "Things you hate with a passion". Maybe it should be closed.