When do you lose your cool?

Stupid advertisements. Advertisement in general.

I've never been one to be swayed by some silly TV commercial to buy anything unless maybe it's advertising a new menu item I didn't know about- otherwise they're just wasting their time on me. Yes, McDonalds, I forget you exist unless you remind me with a commercial every 5 minutes. Too bad it doesn't fucking matter because Burger King kicks your ass on a dozen different levels anyway.

I generally operate either by word of mouth or research if I'm going to buy something. I suppose advertisements beat having to directly pay for programming- though as little TV as I watch (history/discovery channel and poker shows) I'd probably be better off buying individual blocks of time to watch TV in anyway...
And so it should be; retards are annoying enough when they aren't incompetently maneuvering 2 odd tonnes of steel at high speed right at you.

I think the majority of people don't drive bad because they aren't capable of driving better, it's that they aren't actually paying attention to the vehicles around them and going through constant situation assessment/ in compliance with traffic rules and etiquette.

Most people hop in the car and zone out. They didn't necessarily cut you off or fail to yield because they are dicks. They just aren't paying attention.

@Draele: Watch at least teh first part of "Century of Self" and you will understand why advertising is the way it is. I agree with you completely, not only have advertisments been annoying, they are getting more and more dumbed down. I love making Idiocracy comparisons with the commercials I have seen in the last year.
abuse against women, kids and animals

and when people incorrectly correct other peoples' grammar. I was at work the other day, and one of my bosses told my co-worker to take out these commas that were grammatically correct. Ooo I was seething.

edit: and I'm being serious. I was really pissed
I think you meant to write peoples's

A lot of people seem naive in general when it comes to looking backwards. I've realized that no matter what annoys me about the times I live in, I still live in the best possible period of time a person can live in. The whole fucking aura surrounding black metal is based on some romanticized view of how much better life supposedly was 2000 years ago. Wake up and smell the convenience of dental insurance you childish idiots!
I agree with this. A lot of things are terrible right now but the world is so much better off in so many ways than in the past. This is especially true if you are a minority or proletarian type living in the West.
I hate when people call me a ching chong or similar things. Totally lose my beans when that happens. The worst was when I ended up spitting on some guy on a city bus because he felt it necessary to announce to me that he hates Chinese people. Or the time an SUV full of frat boys drove by shouting "ME RUV YOU RONG TIME" and I threw rocks at them.
I think bad driving is winning the ghost poll here.

If you arn't able to realize there is a fucking line of cars behind you, you shouldn't be driving.

When the dumb nignogs at my school waddle in my way for an hour only to stop, look lost, and turn around in place without looking and bump into me.

On the topic of not knowing history, there was this black girl in my history class last year that responded with "Who dat?" when asked somthing about hitler by the teacher.

I get so pissed off sitting in church. I've been humoring my family and going along with them. I'm pretty sure my mom understands that it does nothing for me or my brother, but my dad is starting to piss me off. My dad has always been really cool,he has no problem with the music I listen to and has taken me to concerts. Recently he's been pulling the whole "You should give back to god for what he has given you" and "Alright now you guys have been missing a lot of church and thats not ok" bullshit. When I'm in church it just reaffirms the fact that it is 100% fear-based. "We're here because we love jesus" bullshit! You're there because someone told you that you'd go to hell if you don't. When a teacher walked up to talk about the church's school and said "We get to be these children's ticket to heaven.." I almost got up and flipped her off.
Why do the Japanese hate the Chinese so much? Shouldn't it be the other way around?

Oh this was in America. Japanese people don't hate the Chinese but they definitely think they're better. The Chinese generally dislike the Japanese and make fun of them for being midgets with no military.
It's hilarious that the Chinese would make fun of Japanese military strength, considering what happened the last time they fought...