You know you grew up in the 90s when.....

Why do you have to insult that shit. You don't really sound like you grew up in the '90s or maybe you were just older than we were and didn't watch cartoons. Just curious, but what were your views on the best part of the '90s?
I'm 22, so I was about 5-15 during the '90s, approximately the target age of the list.

First of all, that list went how long, and did not even mention The Simpsons once? Massive failocaust. The Simpsons are unquestionably the defining pop culture item of the '90s, and anyone who does not bother to mention them probably can't put together a list of memorable things worth two shits.

Those other cartoons all sucked. TMNT and Ghostbusters were good. X-Men and Spiderman were good, but not mentioned. Instead, a bunch of shitty Nickelodeon shows. I haven't seen them, but they're gay.

I would have picked maybe three or four of those things to sum up the '90s for when I was a kid.
The Simpsons, I've literally been watching that show since I was 3. I can remember how incredible the show was during the early 90's, even just the intro I loved...however, that show turned to absolute shit years ago. I really only care for the first few seasons - anything after I find unbearable.
Those other cartoons all sucked. TMNT and Ghostbusters were good. X-Men and Spiderman were good, but not mentioned. Instead, a bunch of shitty Nickelodeon shows. I haven't seen them, but they're gay.

Ren & Stimpy fucking ruled. I have no idea what the fuck the rest of that shit is on that list though.
Was Dinosaurs the live-action show with everybody wearing those ridiculous rubber costumes?

that show was incredible.
I used to go to my friend's house every Saturday morning to watch the new Pokemon at 10 AM. After that we would walk down the hill to eat lunch at the pizzeria.
Considering the fact that I was 12 in 1990....most of the stuff mentioned I wasn't into during the 90's. I DO miss a lot of the music and movies. And I really fucking miss a time BEFORE everyone just ripped music from their pc. The practice of going into a music store and actually looking through and selecting albums by word of mouth (or just sheer gamble) kicked ass.
You remember watching:
-the 1st Batman
-ghost busters

Before the Internet

You ACTUALLY played outside until it was dark!

I thought I remember seeing the first Batman in like 89 and ghostbusters in like 84 or something.

And the 90s weren't really before the internet, it gained popularity in the mid 90s. I remember chatting with mIRC in 96 was pretty common with our wonderful 14.4kpbs modem.

And from what I've seen, the 90s kids didn't really play outside until it was dark...that's when kids started playing a LOT more video games and do stuff inside compared to what we did in the 80s.

For the rest of the list I guess I was too old at that time because most of it I didn't care for or I don't even know what it's about...
You Can't Do That On Television
Salute Your Shorts
BEAVIS AND BUTTHEAD (I don't find this show as funny anymore though)
The Simpsons (when the show was worth something)
Real World (When I watched MTV)
M.A.S.K (If you have never seen this show, you fail hard)
Transformers (Not the new bullshit)