When you were a Child....


Sangfroid Affectations
Sep 2, 2001
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Can you even remember what it was like, your so-called "inner-life" when you were just 5, not much taller than plants?

Were you afraid of ghosts?

are you now?

Were you sexually rambunctious even at five, attracted to, and in awe of the opposite (or same, whatever floats your boat ;) ) sex?

What were your thoughts towards music?

the clouds?







I was at a friend's house discussing any number of various things, and a topic came up: how modern science, rationality, and what-have-you have corroded many facets of our own spirituality.

I guess it's good to remember our innocence- the way we were- before we became so affixed to the ways of law and reason. The attempt at a recovery of child-like sensibilities illuminates our own situation as adults (I'm not sure how relevant this thread would be to younger teenagers, you ignorant, naive fucks, you ;) ).

(i'm 24 btw)

Anyway, thanks for sharing.
well i was relly often very scared, 'cuz there was this big fella with a big beard that allways picked my up and troved me all around the place, that was fucking scarry.

and ance when i was suposed to sleep, i really seldom did that when i eas suposed to, i met a ghost. he spoke a little to me.. so no i was not afraid of ghosts, 'cuz they all were very kind to me.

but i was knida scared of a mr. bunnye that was always in the celing of my room, i usually turnd and lay with my back to the roof, and face down.. but i knew he was there.. so THAT was scary
I lived in a building when I was a child, and passing those dark dreary staircases scared the bejesus out of me.

Somehow I had visions of wicked/ decomposing witches running after me. And then in the apartment itself there would be those dreaded shower curtains!!

But yeah, I seem to recall not-so-pleasant confrontations with the "ghosts" and all the evil things lurking in the shadows of the world.

Adding to this:

does anyone recall the theme to HBO before a movie came on?

I remember being some age-- dont even remember-- but I was young. I was all alone, it might been november or something. The sun was already out--- there was just me, in a dark apartment, the spectral light of tv shining, that hbo theme--- and then came these strange sounds coming from the living room. I was so goddamned scared I got paralyzed beneath the blankets of the bed in my parents room. :lol:

Now that's some funny shit---- but you weren't there to hear those screeching sounds!!! :mad:
I remember lying in my bed at night and hearing the various creaking noises emanating from the floor thinking that these were burglars or something.

I also recall being afraid of walking home from a friends house alone at night. I had to go through a wooded area to get home. It was always dark and creepy and I kept imagining that someone would jump me from the bushes, so I often ran.
I remember Unsolved Mysteries scared me a lot when I was little, even the music gave me the creeps.

I remember when I was really young, this thing we put our coats on freaked me out. I would never sit in a certain chair because my back would be to it. If I did get the nerve to sit in it I would always look behind me lmao.

Thanks for bringing back these funny memories of my childhood :lol:
as a child (and now still) i always feared drowning although i knew that i wouldn't on a ferry. hmn, that sounds wierd, but i believed i would never die on a ferry by it sinking or whatever, and quite a few did as it happens. anyway enough of the nonsense.

I mentioned this once before, I will do so again for your contemplative pleasures.

As a child I used to get dreams, wet dreams, but not in the usual sense.

Every now and then, I'd wake up, walk a long the familiar traces of my home, step into the bath room, pucker up, pull out mister winky and then proceed to piss, and how good it would feel to get that morning piss out, right?


Damn deceptive dreams. I think I'm awake but I'm actually sleeping and when I pee in my dreams, guess what? i'm peeing on my bed. Happened more than once that's all I'll say.

The consolation: every guy I've ever asked about this, would crack up in sympathy, because as children they had those "wet dreams" too.

There's the dark and sordid childhood experience for you- dreams that aid the body, but in doing so deceive the mind, and play such foul tricks. To this day I have a love/hate relationship going on with my dreams. :)
Excellent thread topic, E V I L. <Pats on back>

I remember once I awoke my dad from sleep when I was about 6, because I was afraid of getting cancer. He told me I worried too much. When I was about 8 I stuck a pair of tweezers in an electrical outlet because I wondered what would happen. Strangely, me getting shocked didn't happen. I have no idea why.

I never really believed in ghosts as a child. Don't now either.

Sexually aware...that was when I was about 9. I have always been attracted to females, as far back as I can remember, but when I was 9, I discovered masturbation :rolleyes:. Strange story. I had never been kissed, and there were a couple of girls I was attracted to, so I used to imagine I was kissing them, (I didn't have the courage to say anything to them), at night laying in bed, when I couldn't sleep. And one night, I suddenly got this wierd tingly feeling...half a minute later I noticed I was no longer dry. I tried telling my brother about it, but he just gave me the most awkward sidelong glance I have seen yet. (Lina moment).

I never really knew music existed outside church until I was about 8 or 9. Then I just listened to what I had access to.

I don't remember ever being afraid of the dark, though I was always afraid of driveby shootings, (haha, in the suburbs...that's likely), so I always wanted to sleep on the floor or in the top bunk bed. I was afraid of death too.

A guy I have been friends with since 6th grade recently told me something I told him that year. I had said "Are you concious? I know I am. The only person I can prove is concious is me. So are you?" Something to that extent, I think it was a little wordier when I originally said it. I never knew I thought like that so young.
I remember Unsolved Mysteries scared me a lot when I was little, even the music gave me the creeps

OH SHIT! do you remember the episode about the "men in black" who would follow around people who had encounters with aliens....theyd show up at their front door, or follow them in black cars....?

well my brother got me so good one time-that episode was on, and i was freaked out bad, glued to the tv. and he said he was going to get a drink from the kitchen. minutes later theres a tapping at the window by the tv and i see a face there! :eek:
it scared the HELL out of me. and i was crying when my brother walked in the front door, laughing his ass off! haha ; )

i was VERY hyper as a kid. my doctor even put me on a caffene diet for a while....id run in circles, jump off the walls and just annoy the hell out of everyone.
i wasnt afraid of ghosts....just aliens and satan.
ive always loved music.
i never cared about sexuality as a kid. my first kiss was when i was 16, so i really didnt care much when i was older either ; P. most of my friends were boys...i loved books and animals more than people though. i read like every nancy drew book ever written.
my hopes were that id get a pet horse somehow, but it didnt ever happen.
Originally posted by winter-frost
I remember Unsolved Mysteries scared me a lot when I was little, even the music gave me the creeps.

Yeah! :) Probably my favourite show of all time, I've got heaps of really cool and creepy memories of that show. It just had the best atmosphere! They don't show it here in Australia anymore though, which really, really, sucks a lot. Now all I have left is an MP3 of the title theme. Oh well. :cry:
Ha ha ha... is that the show with the guy with the deep voice??

If so, he's now on one of those 'getaway' kindof shows selling cars... ha ha ha
Originally posted by TyrantOfFlames
(Lina moment)
Heheheh... and this type of situation is dubbed a "Lina moment", and will forever be known as thus.

Just the intro/theme music of Unsolved Mysteries freaked me out, I seem to recall. I was an oddly rational, yet irrational child in some respects (heh, just like now!) ...I was never afraid of the monsters under my bed, but would sleep with the blanket over my head so that the crazy robber guy outside my second-story window (he apparently carries a jetpack around) couldn't see me in my bed, and therefore wouldn't come in to kill me (even though the blinds were closed). For a semi-revealing "personal fact"... although the fear is obviously gone, I still can't really sleep unless I pull the covers over my head... it's just too ingrained a habit. Actually, sometimes, walking down the dark hallway... if I'm in JUST the right mood (the one that could be caused by hearing the theme of Unsolved Mysteries) I feel the compulsion to run into my room as quickly as possible and quickly close the door.

I'm damn near 20 years old.
Originally posted by TyrantOfFlames

Sexually aware...that was when I was about 9. I have always been attracted to females, as far back as I can remember, but when I was 9, I discovered masturbation :rolleyes:. Strange story.

I don't want to be judgemental, but that's some sick shit man. Wanking off at the age of 9--- what's the matter with you?? :lol: :loco:

I started wanking at the age of 9 and 1/2. hehe, no not really! I was 12 and when I did it (won't get into details) I was like "holy shit, I just invented something new here!!" Of course sooner or later I finally realized what "jerking off" was referring to when the guys made fun of each other. But for that brief moment in time I thought I was God, the inventor of pleasures and self-erotica by means of the wank.

btw, am I the only child here who kissed the tv screen whenever a really pretty lady came across it? mmmm, such staticy goodness.

A guy I have been friends with since 6th grade recently told me something I told him that year. I had said "Are you concious? I know I am. The only person I can prove is concious is me. So are you?" Something to that extent, I think it was a little wordier when I originally said it. I never knew I thought like that so young.

This is good. It's also deeply philosophical. I'll make it a point to think about this sometime.

Originally posted by Evisceratrix

OH SHIT! do you remember the episode about the "men in black" who would follow around people who had encounters with aliens....theyd show up at their front door, or follow them in black cars....?

This episode scared the bejesus out of me too. Just the way they packaged the whole thing-- the mysterious men in black, who could be aliens. <shivers>

An even scarier show is "Tales from the Darkside"

The beginning music, the narrator talking about "they're always there, waiting for us to enter, waiting for us to enter them" (or so- don't remember) and all the scenes of dark forests--- how deeply do those images seep into the psyche of a child. I still hear the music, I still see all those images of barns and strange trees and branches, thinking about the other side......
One more thing.

I'm not afraid of ghosts, or darkness, or aliens anymore. I can be stuck in utter darkness in the woods-- I go hiking sometimes with a bunch of friends to this day, and I'm never the one to be afraid. In the woods things get real dark. And at night, despite the looming prospects of "witches" and ufo's etc. I don't mind walking out of the tents etc and going for a leak by myself.

Most guys are not afraid of ghosts.

Strange thing is a lot of girls still are. I know this one girl who TO THIS DAY leaves on her bedroom lights full blast because she is afraid. What a pussy!, I mean literally!! Girls are such pussies! ;)

Sorry I had to get this baggage off my chest.
oh my god, i am laughing so hard!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: the jetpack-powered robber, running into your room quickly at the age of 20, the "lina moment," kissing the tv screen, inventing masturbation -- those are sooo hysterical!

and i don't think many people read the thread with the "lina moment," so no doubt people are confused. but we'll keep it that way. :p

damn, i'm trying to think of some funny childhood stories, but i'm not having much luck. i used to be afraid of the basement, but who isn't? my grandma had these "trinket stands" attached to her wall that i thought looked like freaky masks, and they scared the bejesus out of me. also, i saw "indiana jones and the temple of doom" when i was young, and that heart-extracting scene gave me nightmares. but i didn't have many fears as a kid...i have more fears now actually! a couple years ago i had this recurring dream of being caught up in a gun fight. which isn't that irrational around here. :err:

everytime i visited my cousins, we would put together this lipsync routine to michael jackson's "beat it." i would sing, my male cousin would play this block of wood we pretended was a guitar, and my female cousin would...get this...POLE DANCE. :D then we'd always perform it for our parents year after year.
My 2 worst nightmares are from my childhood:

1. Bullwinkle died in the boiler room in my basement
2. Bees attacked me (and laughed at me)

My dreams haven't been anything like that when I was a kid.

Hindsight of my childhood: I worried about things like how many goals I would score in soccer, or if I could avoid the "bully" while walking to school, or homework (what the hell is that?). I was shy, so I tended to avoid girls. I had a crush on my 5th grade teacher (do adults have crushes, or is our version lust?).

I didn't "analyze" anything as a kid - hell, I was a kid; it was my parents job to watch after me. Having rules as a kid was a pain - although making the rules for my kids isn't much better. It was easier holding my hand out for $ than to actually have to work for it. Also, we went on neat trips when I was a kid - I can't afford to do the same.

No matter how I look at it - it was so much simpler.
Whaen I was a kid I always used to think when I walked down stairs etc,hte black at the corner of my eye when the things went out of my field of vision was someone following me. I didn't being a kid then but now often I look back and wish I was again
Everything sis so much more complicated now.I feel I can never truly be happy as I'm always worrying about something.... Noi matter how happy I feel i still realise I have work to door something is hanging over my head etc. Hmmmmmm. I used to die in all my dreams as well, but that still happens, it doesn't bother me anymore. :)

My bloody space bar is sticking. I'm having to go back through all my posts and add spaces :mad:
Originally posted by Lina
everytime i visited my cousins, we would put together this lipsync routine to michael jackson's "beat it." i would sing, my male cousin would play this block of wood we pretended was a guitar, and my female cousin would...get this...POLE DANCE. :D then we'd always perform it for our parents year after year.
I don't know which is more disturbing; this, or Tyrants little story of his great discovery.