When you were a Child....

i dont know, when i look back on my memories of me as a kid it all seems kind of distant and detached like its not really me, the memories are there but i have no particular feeling towards them, i dont know, it sounds strange but it seems like a part of me died in the transitional stage between being a kid and being "grown up", i wish i still was a kid, the innocense and purity, impervious to the grim reality, the warmth and protection of a mothers arms, nothing else existed, hours seemed like days and days like months, everything was a new discovery, great achievements, now life seems so mundane, a slave to routine, god im depressed :grin:
When I was nine we lived in a rather run down neighborhood, and every Sunday night it was my job to take the garbage to the alley. I would forget to do it during the day sometimes and I would have to do it at night. I was terrified of that alley at night. I would run with the garbage can as fast as I could, put it behind the garage and sprint back in the apartment. Nothing scared me more than that alley at night.
Well for some strange dreams that I had when I was younger....

-I wake up, go into the living room and sitting on my back porch is Bill Cosby with a little thing of Jell-O in his hand. The sky was also Yellow.

-I wake up and there are slices of pizza emerging from my bed, and I run to my kitchen to find an even larger army of pizza slices.

-Watching TV a Giant Rhino head pops out of my kitchen door....:goggly:

-I am now on the Ghostbuster's team!!!!!

That is enough for strange Dreams...

I was very paranoid (and still am) as a child. I used to constantly fear ghosts (which I still have a fear of), the dark, etc. When I was about 8 I saw a part of some movie where some people murder a family in their sleep, and that caused sleepless nights for literally years. I slept with a night light on. I was afraid of anyone in my family dying at all, and was always with my parents just to be safe (which isn't very abnormal). I was even afraid that my parents would "leave me" and never come back, my parents are great, but I just saw some strange film where this happened. Basically the cause of all of my fears as a child was TV, everything scared me up until the age of about 12.

I was sexually aware at a reasonably young age, about 7 or 8, because you guessed it...Films.
There was this retarded deaf girl that used to always chase me around when I was 5, she was weird, yet very nice...
I have been exposed to music alllllllll of my life. My parents are major prog fans, so that was definately healthy at an early age. Imagine being 5 and listening to Genesis with your parents....!
I was never a very dark child, but rather talkative (as I am now) and open to many things, I was maybe even...popular as a child; if there is even such a thing...

OH YEAH! The Quacker Oatmeal guy used to scare the shit out of me! :tickled:
Hm... My childhood was weird... >:o)

All these memories come crawling back to me...
I'm glad I'm "older" now.... 'cause when I was
younger I had to run as fast as I could and
JUMP into bed!! I was just SOOO scared there
would be some monster lying underneath it!!
Not the usual green monsterman...
Just something creepy that would stretch out
it's hand and never let go.... Eat me alive....
I'm unable to explian... I'm still scared of this
"monster", but now it's more like my thoughts
I'm afraid of, not a physical monster (so, no,
I don't jump into bed anymore, don't need to...
the monster's definitely not there
(though I've checked many times, wishing it
really WAS there...)) >:o)

I was also afraid of flushing down the toilet...
Couldn't stand the sound of it >:oP

Hum...I'll get back to this thread...
Originally posted by Blackspirit
I was also afraid of flushing down the toilet...
Couldn't stand the sound of it >:oP
this made me remember something hysterical -- i used to say goodbye when i flushed the toilet. like, i had a hard time parting with it. i'd call my parents in and we'd have a little ceremony. :rolleyes: :lol:
I was a really weird little kid, extremely introverted. Didn't really interact that much with other kids more than I had to until I was 9-10, before that I'd rather play by myself, making up these big old war stories and acting them out at the same time with my action figures/models/plastic dinosaurs. My art teacher in 1st grade said I had the most violent imagination she'd ever seen, spent most of that class sitting in the corner.
I was sort of afraid of ghosts, couldn't ever sleep when the house was creaking from the wind, but I never really felt the need to run away from them. I remember I'd associate every work I knew with a picture, sometimes the picture had something to do with the word, sometimes it didn't at all. Didn't really think much of music, just something grownups listened to for some unknown reason. I remember thinking all the clouds were living beings somehow frozen in the sky, never was quite clear on why or how though.
Originally posted by Oyo
Judging by your name you're still pretty violent :lol:

Heh heh, not really, just the name of my old highschool punk/metal band, Germanized it for no particular reason, to make it a little different from the band name, I guess.