Have you ever beat somebody up?

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man, I've gotten into dozens of fights. I have beat down, bumrushed, and jumped / and similarly I have been beatdown, bumrushed and jumped. The latter far more than the former, I"m afraid.

I think I"d like to get a black eye now. i've had one of these too in the past. but how cool would it be to have one as an adult? yes? ;)
I haven't beaten anybody, but have received my share of punches and kicks. One asshole broke my nose, a year later two skinheads shoved my face into concrete, resulting in breaking of my upper front teeth.

To remind me of these lovely incidents are the two caps in my teeth, a scar in my left eyebrow (not very visible, but visible nonetheless) and a slightly tilted what-one-was-a-perfectly-straight-Spartan-like-nose. :)
I was in fights on 6th and 8th grades (one fight per grade). Fortunatelly nothing REALLY serious...
In 11th grade this hick Wayne Bird was slapping me in the back of the head. I gave him like 30 last chances before wheeling on the fucker. I grabbed him by the neck and slammed his head off a desk, then strangled him, then started pounding his face, until my brother tackled me. Yeah. Felt good.

In 12th grade I went up to the math floor about 1/2 hour early to talk to my teacher and caught these 3 guys beating up a retarded kid. So I jumped one of the guys, slammed his face of the wall, then kicked the knee out of the other guy and dragged him down the hall yelling at the other guy to "COME ON MOTHERFUCKER! JUST COME ON"...the principal thanked me :).....no fights in college...yet.....
Nothing too serious. I used to playfight with my friends all the time and for some reason me and another guy used to punch each other on teh arm to see who could punch harder (stupid, yeah, but fun). He's stronger because, well he's been in lots of fights and i'm a wuss who hasn't been in a single fight.

There was one time when i came very close to going full blows with one of my friends. This guy is very immature and he does things that make him look like a five year old. When he does them he doen'st think about the concequences, and of course he denies everything afterwards, despite the fact everybody who was there saw him do it.
So anyway, i was kicking around a stone (i have no life) with him and another friend when this guy (we'll call him "fruit") starts getting a little out of hand. He starts running into us, sticking out his elbow, punching us. At first i just tell him to settle down, but it was getting out of hand. So i gave him a little push and told him to stop it. He pushes me back, i push him back etc. Then he puts his hand into a fist and pushes it into my neck. Not expecting it, i fall back onto the wall behind me. Fruit just pushes harder and harder. I tell him to let go, but he doesn't do it. I was starting to get a little pissed now (hey, i hardly ever get angry at people. it takes a lot to piss me off). Then he said something that got me extremely cloes to the edge. He threatened to kill me. OF course, he had no idea how serious that was to me and it wasn't serious at all to him, but if he hadn't let go shortly after that, he woulda been begging for his own life, and i mean that :mad:
Since that, i always find that i get pissed off at him easily. Hell, he never even apologised to me. If he does anythiing like that again, i won't be so hesitant to kick his ass.
Call me old fashioned, but I think if you're gonna beat someone up, do it like a man and fight him your damn self instead of getting two hundred of your friends to take on one guy because you're too much of a weak little pussy to deal with him your damn self or because you're too afraid of breaking your newly polished fingernails like the pathetic bitch you are.

I hate the "power rangers" mentality.
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