Come here, all of you.

Captain Beard

No longer active
Sep 6, 2001
One of my classmates had to quit under duress due to harassment. He reported when a client was beaten with a lead pipe.... and the facility police found it and people are going to get fired. But instead of supporting him, they're spreading rumors and he got his life threatened...

There's a culture that discoruages ratting. They shame you when you fuck a client, but tell over a beating and you best shut up. But... IT WAS A LEAD PIPE! Its not like he got contained incorrectly... they've even threatened my instructor now. I worked with one of the accused, he was terrible to the clients... and even some of my classmates say he was wrong to tell. What the fuck is wrong with these people?

Lets review the facts.

1. Client was beaten.

2. With a lead pipe.

3. Jess reported like he should.

4. He was harassed and threatened when jobs were lost.

5. He quit due to the pressure.


I'm going to tell him I support him and that he should sue the dire fuck out of the state.

Ok, thoughts then:

It's important to follow your conscience and do what you feel is right, do matter what the consequences may be, or what persecution you suffer. Any obtainable revenge that can be obtained legally is nice also. Watch out for the Protocols of the Elder Zion however. They will kick your ass.
Thats the short form, yes. We work with retards. And apparently some people there think speaking out aginst abuse is a faux pas. Well out there, looks like it is.
Is there any way we could narrow down the list to the most likely people harassing him and proceed to cut various appendages off with meat cleavers? Unnecessary amputation is such an under utilized method of justice these days.

There's also the burying people alive approach...
I know one of the ones being fired and possibly jailed. He was a real cocksucker to the clients when I worked that unit.

The problem is, the rumor spread, and now all 300 employees are talking about him. The good news is, one of the administrators is a real strict ball buster, so she's going to bust some heads.
Upholding one's beliefs and standing one's ground is probably the single hardest thing to do in this society for many reasons. It would be nice if when someone does something decent, we could support him better, so that a person doing something good isn't standing alone every time.

And i still like the idea of amputation.
Yeah, its unfortunate he got caught up in this, he was great to work with. I know myself and his close lady friend support him, at least.
Thats very sad. However, The guy who TOLD on him is getting abused by co-workers, correct? Well what the fuck?
Lead is dangerous to ones health and soon to be banned from products in the European union...
that's too bad for him, but i dunno if i would have felt i had to quit. if i were him i might feel more threatened OFF the job.

was any kind of counseling offered to him before he quit?

What should happen is the people who are threatening him should be fired, but that hardly happens.

People have mixed the issues of "rats " vs. the issue of people outing wrong doing.
Though it sounds the same on some levels it really isn't.
Rat are often touble makers who are looking for attention or some other gain.
Busting a co-worker for stealing a pen is a " rat "
Telling that someone beat someone with a LEAD PIPE is standing up for morales and principles.

kind of differnet in my book.
DreamNeonBlack said:

What should happen is the people who are threatening him should be fired, but that hardly happens.

People have mixed the issues of "rats " vs. the issue of people outing wrong doing.
Though it sounds the same on some levels it really isn't.
Rat are often touble makers who are looking for attention or some other gain.
Busting a co-worker for stealing a pen is a " rat "
Telling that someone beat someone with a LEAD PIPE is standing up for morales and principles.

kind of differnet in my book.

Dan took the words out of my mouth...... I totally agree.
He did the right thing... I would probably do the same,
I won't shut up about soemthing I find so fundamentally wrong...
Too abd he had to quit though....
So let me get this straight:

Some shitstain of a human being took a lead pipe to a retard under his care, got ratted on and the shit hit the fan, so naturally a bunch of other employees turned on the "rat" for ratting on the shitstain to the extent that this person had to quit. Did I get that?

And you want our opinion? Honey -- if you don't trust your own opinion in this, you need to take off the uniform and put on a gown.

Yes, your friend should take legal action if they feel they're ready to go through that particular brand of hell. Yes they should have a good lawyer for it. Yes they should get the media involved. And Yes there should be amputations.

Does that about cover it?