Amadeo - My project


Dr. uıʌǝʞ
Feb 6, 2005
In a bubbly head.
There is a project that I have with another guy. Actually he was the main coposer but in a near future we'll do thing 50/50.
This is like... Goth/Psych metal, these are just sample-unfinished thing but I'll tell you when we'll finnish a song with voice and all.
Here's some idea we got together:

Amadeo - Intro
Amadeo - Le Misanthrope (Instrumental)
Amadeo - Untitled (unfinished)

I want some feedback, even if it's not your kind of thing.
Hi Kevin, cause I always try to abide by my promises... I am here.
Ok, I listened to this your project and I have to say that I find it interesting... the sound is good, the atmosphere is (brrrr..) disquieting, and seems to have some characteristics that I like a lot.
On the whole, it seems to be well-done, considering the fact that it's just an initial proof, so I think that it will surely be a pleasure, for me, to hear it when it will be finished.
I liked it, and sincerily... :) Oh, and if someone won't believe me or will deem me whichever way... I don't care, it's their problem, not mine.
it sounds pretty good, but it's more difficult to attract the attention of the listener only with the music, so if you want to play instrumental things you should work and try to make your music more original...
most of Warmen songs are instrumental, but they can attract your attention even if there isn't the voice, because their music is so various and doesn't make you feel bored. [i know Warmen don't play your kind of music, but it was only an example]. btw, the ideas in those songs are good and i'm sure you can improve :)