Amaranth video up

The video is very "Nightwish", no question about that. Anette seems, to me at least, to come off a bit amateurish (some of her head movements just seemed weird to me), but i suppose that will change with time. Either way, this is a trivial and forgivable thing. All in all, i rather like the video.
I just posted a link to the making of the video in another thread. I didn't see this one first.
I like the non-band parts.

The band parts are so gawth metalz. :lol:

And who is servicing Tuomas under that keyboard? :OMG:
EDIT: doh, I didn't scroll down to see the threads, just saw the subforums *slaps forehead* :D I guess the mods can delete this if they want.

It's a nice video...not as cool as the Nemo vid, but well done. Amaranth is a good single...that chorus is catchy as hell, I see why Tuomas was almost embarrassed by how sweet and poppy it is :lol: Also love that intro keyboard melody...pure Nightwish.

It also inspired me to figure out how to make animated GIFs from video a few I put together...if anyone wants to use them for avatars or whatever, be my guest.

Full Band
The Angel

Oh, and welcome back OSA!
Iced Dog! Good to see you here man. :] It's great to see old members filtering back in fairly quickly. I had put up word on the old forum, not sure how many people saw it, but i've been trying to get the word out via word of mouth. Speaking of which, if you run into any old members that you don't see posting here already, feel free to pass on the link ;]

Cool animated gif's btw. Plenty of hair flailing action hehe.

Anyway, at the moment Ray is the only one with mod powers. This new forum has only been in real operation for a few days. C and i will no doubt eventually get mod powers. If Ray wants to merge this with the other one, cool, otherwise i have no problem with this one being seperate at this stage in the game.
Hey Tramz! Yeah, I just saw the notice on the old forum tonight and hurried right over...UM is great. I'm sure the other regulars will eventually get here. Do you have any details on the we know if it was the same hacker, and why would they target OSA?
I don't really have anything concrete, but by style and language alone i have to figure it was separate people. Having been part of the hack scene myself waaaaaay back in the days, i would figure that the old site was getting passed around as sort of a joke after that first hack. I dunno why we got targeted in the first place. Possibly because of how far our theory got about Nicole Bogner? It got so bad that both VoA and Nightwish had to comment about it. It was just a theory, but you know how people are, they take a theory and turn it into would-be fact. Anyway, who knows. Just luck of the draw i guess.

Either way, this is a better home for us. It's part of a larger, respected community. It's vastly more secure. It takes some of the burdens we've had to deal with lately off of our shoulders so we can actually concentrate on the important things.. like Nightwish ;] (and hopefully, once the forum is back up to decent activity levels, getting a quality and well maintained web site going again).
Oooooooooooo AWESOME gifs. If you end up having some spare time you know you want to make one of the angel with the blood tears orrrr Tarja's skull eye shifting in Nemo =o man I should learn to make animated icon thingies one of these days ._.
I thought she was busy milking Marco's beard? Is she that good a multitasker? :headbang:
Watching this video and then going back and watching Nemo, all I could think was "Anette the Rock Star vs Tarja the Diva". Look at Anette wiggle!

Also, Tuomas, we don't all want to see your nipples, k? You can put them away now.
Nice video yeah! It reminds me Tolkien or something...I also think Nemo is a way better but I'm glad they changed their vision. We can feel the evolution and I'm happy for that.
Well...I swallowed my pride and watched the video for Amaranth...

Verdict?: It F@CKIN rocks!

I love it! I'm judging it as a completely different style than the old Nightwish. If you try to judge the new by the old, you will be sorely dissapointed! But, if you open your mind and just ENJOY THE'll think it kicks ass! And it does!

So...drop your hostilities and play it loud! Welcome Annette! :headbang: